Page 6 of For Your Love

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Clíodhna was her legal name, but no one ever used it. If he knew her real name, then he must know the meaning behind it. Her skin tingled with awareness as she held his gaze. He’d said her name in reverence as if it was precious to him.

Finn touched her cheek, his eyes burned with need. “Say you’ll come to New York with me.”

“Hey, you guys,” Sean shouted from a distance, his footsteps approaching quickly.

Colleen jumped, glancing over her shoulder to see Sean walking quickly toward them. She didn’t want Sean to find them kissing. She was sure he’d tell her mom. “We can’t talk about it now,” she said, fidgeting with the hem of her sundress. “Sean’s almost here.”

“It’s not a complicated question. You either accept my offer, or you don’t.”

“We’re not alone anymore,” she said, avoiding his probing scrutiny.

“So what?” Finn blinked a few times as his eager expression transformed in slow motion from to something more guarded. “Forget I ever asked.”

Colleen reached for his hand, but he pulled away. She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea that she wasn’t interested in his offer. She would push her anxiety aside and go to New York with him. Everything would be fine. “Wait a minute, Finn. Let me explain.”

“Don’t bother.” He got to his feet and turned away from her.

“Hey, what’s up?” Sean asked as he approached them. “I tried to call you a few times,” he said sternly to Colleen.

Sean was almost a year younger than her. Where did he get off acting like her big brother? “I don’t have my phone with me.” She stood, trying to catch Finn’s eye, but he wouldn’t look at her.

“Mom and Dad are asking why you’ve been gone so long. You were supposed to do the dishes tonight. I covered for you, but you should come home before they start to worry.” Sean looked back and forth between them. “And Finn?”

“Yeah?” Finn asked.

“Change of plans,” Sean said with his hands on his hips. “We don’t have time for Scoops. Your mom’s been on the phone with your dad. She’s pretty upset.”

Finn’s expression was difficult to read, but there was a grim set to his jaw.

Finn’s mother, Molly, had been preoccupied and tense since she arrived in LA.Just this morning, Colleen had interrupted her parents while they were deep in a conversation with Molly, changing the subject when she walked in the kitchen.

“Your dad’s jet is at LAX. He wants you guys to leave right away. Your mom packed your stuff and she’s waiting for you.”

It was now or never. She could rush back home, pack a bag, and then leave with him and Molly. “Finn, can I please talk to you?” Her pulse raced waiting for his reply.

Finn muttered something and gave her a sharp shake of his head.

Colleen tried to grab his hand and make him look at her to convince him that she changed her mind. But he shoved his hands in his pockets and turned away from her. Her blood ran cold with his rejection.

“What’s going on with you two?” Sean asked with suspicion, looking back and forth between them.

Colleen pulled her attention from Finn to confront Sean’s questioning stare. She wanted to accept Finn’s offer, but now he looked angry and was going to leave.

“We were only talking,” Finn said, his focus on Sean, but it was his coldness in his voice that cut through her like a blade. He had shut her out.

Sean looked over at Colleen with a smirk. “Just talking, princess?”

“That’s right.” She stood and ran her fingers casually through her hair, trying to appear nonchalant. Finn was ignoring her, so she could be just as indifferent.

“Besides, she’s not my type,” Finn said, avoiding looking at Colleen.

Not my type?She was his type a few minutes ago when he kissed her and practically begged her to come to New York with him. Why was Finn so callous all of a sudden? This wasn’t like him. If only she could have a chance to explain.

“You’re a horny bastard,” Sean said with a gruff laugh. “Any girl is your type. But Colleen’s my sister.”

“Relax. It’s no big deal.” He slapped Sean on the shoulder as they walked quickly down the path toward the park exit, laughing together.

No big deal?How could he toss her away like that? Watching the two of them side by side, laughing together was apunch to her gut.

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