Page 63 of For Your Love

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He brushed a lock of hair away from her face and her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Hi.” She squinted against the light.

“How did you sleep?”

“Good,” she said, stretching.

“Are you okay? I mean what you told me last night—” He needed to know if there was anything else she wanted to tell him.

“Finn,” she said, leaning up on one elbow and running a hand over his chest, “don’t worry about how I’m feeling. Last night was wonderful. Don’t make it a big deal.”

Finn scrutinized her face for any sign of hesitation but found none. He straddled her so she could feel his raging erection. “This is the only big deal that matters right now.”

Colleen sputtered with laughter.

“What’s so funny?” he asked in mock outrage. “I have a huge erection.Huge.”

“All boys wake up with hard-ons,” she said, rolling her eyes.

Finn pulled her arms above her head. “I’m not a boy,” he growled near her ear. “I’m a man with a beautiful woman in his bed. Someone he’s wanted to be with for years. How do you think it makes him feel?”

Colleen’s breath quickened, and her eyes widened. “Tell me.”

“Horny.” He nudged her thighs apart. He’d not only woken up with an erection, he’d had one most of the night, dying to be deep inside her again.

He took his time scanning Colleen’s body. Her full breasts were luscious, and her rosy nipples were erect and ready to devour. “I want you,” he said, drawing a nipple deep into his mouth, and giving her a sharp bite.

Colleen squealed.

Her squeal made Finn’s dick throb for release. He couldn’t wait to hear her scream with pleasure when he fucked her again. Holding her wrists with one hand, he reached for the drawer of his nightstand, fumbling for a condom. “Dammit.” He searched all the way in the back, but there was no condom.

Colleen’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “You don’t keep condoms handy?”

“I don’t bring women here,” he said, dropping his head to her chest in disappointment. “I thought I might have an extra condom, but I guess not.”

“Don’t you have a few tricks up your sleeve?”

“What do you think?” he asked, lifting his eyes to hers. He rubbed his dick against her pussy with deliberate slow strokes. “Do you think I could make you come just by doing this?”

A high-pitched whine came from the next room.

“What’s that?”

“It’s Alfie.”

“Oh,” she said, her voice a little disappointed. “I forgot all about him.”

“Now, where were we?” he asked, leaning in for a kiss.

Another, ear-splitting howl from Alfie.

“That damned dog,” he said through his teeth.

Colleen broke out into a fit of laughter.

He kissed her nose. “Stay in bed. I’ll go feed him and take him out and come right back.”
