Page 64 of For Your Love

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“No, it’s okay. I’ve got to pee, anyway. I’ll make us some breakfast.”

“I’ve got a better idea.”


A few hours later, they’d taken Alfie to the park, had breakfast at Finn’s favorite family restaurant and shopped for some groceries. He also made a quick stop into a pharmacy for condoms.

When he returned to the car, Alfie was doing his best to get Colleen’s attention, while she typed something on her phone.

“He wants to be your friend,” Finn said, climbing into the SUV.

Colleen looked up from her phone. “I told you, I’m not good with dogs.”

“I think Alfie disagrees with that,” he said, starting the car with a nod to Alfie who was doing his best to crawl into Colleen’s lap.

“He smells the bacon we had for breakfast,” she said with an indifferent shrug. Her earlier good mood was slipping away.

“What are you looking at?”

“I’m on a teacher’s job board. I’m hoping something opens up, otherwise—”

Finn’s fingers tightened on the steering wheel. He didn’t want to lose the intimacy they’d shared last night. “Otherwise, what?”

“I’ll have to go back home and live with my mom. There’s no way I can afford to live in New York City.”

“Where do you want to live?” he asked with a cautious glance at her.

Colleen lifted her eyes to his for a moment. “Where I belong.”

What they shared last night proved they had a deep connection. But was that enough? She deserved better than him, but it couldn’t stop him from wanting her to stay.

He drove back to his mom’s house in uncomfortable silence. Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpsed Colleen’s pensive expression. Most of Colleen’s family and friends were in California. Moving back home was a practical decision.

By the time he pulled into the driveway, the tension had increased. He’d have to think of some way to lighten things up.

“Why are we in the suburbs anyway?” Colleen asked, lifting two canvas shopping bags from the trunk.

“To stay away from the press. I thought I explained this to you?” Finn took one of the bags from her and got Alfie by the leash.

Walking up the stone path to the door, Colleen asked, “Can’t the press find you here, too?”

“Stony Brook is a tight community. Everyone was supportive to my mom and me when we moved here.”

Finn opened the door and let Alfie off his leash, and he scampered off. He took the other shopping bag from Colleen as they made their way into the kitchen.

The house was still, and the silence oppressive.

“This is feeling weird,” Colleen said, crossing her arms as she leaned against the counter.

She was right, and he wanted her to explain her feelings to him. Finn busied himself putting groceries away. “How?”

“It feels like we’re playing house and hiding from some unknown enemy.”

Finn closed the refrigerator door. “Do you want to leave?” he asked gently.

“No,” she said, running a hand through her hair. “With no job, I’m feeling a little at loose ends. And this,” she said, gesturing between them, “feels so new and I’m not sure what happens next.”

He tossed the loaf of sourdough French bread on the counter. He cradled her face in his hands, searching her eyes. He wanted to take her to bed right now and fuck all those doubts out of her head, make her understand how much she meant to him.And yet, he didn’t want to pressure her.“Don’t worry about any of that stuff right now.”
