Page 65 of For Your Love

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She closed her eyes with a soft sigh. “I’m not used to having a lot of downtime.”

“It’s Sunday. Look for a job tomorrow. Right now, I’ve got to do some yard work.”

“Can I help?”

“I’ve got this,” he said, giving her a kiss, “but I could use some company.”

“Okay. But I’m making dinner later.”



While Finn worked in the yard, he kept an eye on Colleen. She laid back on a recliner under a large umbrella, leafing through one of his mom’s magazines. The way she tore through the pages meant she was anything but relaxed. Alfie made several attempts to join her, but Colleen pushed him away. Instead, the dog curled up nearby, in the shade of a tree, keeping a close watch on her.

After weeding, he got the mower out. His mom had a small yard, so he insisted he would do the mowing with a manual lawn mower. With each push, the metal blades whirred, and he created a list of logical reasons for her to return to California. With each pull he came up with a million reasons for her to stay with him. By the time he was finished, he came to the conclusion that she needed to find a job on her own terms, but he didn’t want her to worry about it today. Colleen was proud, but she could also be stubborn. He would have to give her the space to come to her own decision. In the meantime, he could give her a reminder of what she’d have if she stayed.

Finn paused while mowing to wipe his forehead. He turned to see Colleen toss the magazine aside and pick up her phone, no doubt resuming her job search.

Finn walked over to her. “Hey, what’s going on?”

“Not much,” she said, handing him a bottle of water. “Thirsty?”

“Thanks.” He downed the water in a few gulps.

Lifting her head to his, she asked, “Can I get you another bottle?”

“That would be great.”

“Okay.” She got to her feet and Finn pulled her into his arms for a deep kiss.

“You’re all sweaty,” she said, a little breathless, while her hands slid under his T-shirt and explored his abs.

“I want you.”

“Right now?” she asked, her eyes growing wide.

“Not yet,” he said, noting her interest. “You were going to get me some more water.”

“Oh yeah.” She leaned in for another kiss. This time he held her close so she could feel his erection.

“Hurry back,” he said, giving her a pat on the ass.

Finn gave her a few moments to get inside. If he timed this right, he’d be able to take her attention away from a job search, and instead, focus on the two of them.

He pulled his T-shirt over his head, taking a long, leisurely stretch. He tossed the shirt aside. After gathering the clippings and throwing them in the yard waste bin, he stretched again, glancing over at the kitchen window. Colleen was openly staring at him.

Perfect. He took his time walking into the house and to the kitchen. “I thought you were bringing me some water?” He took the bottle, opened it, and gulped it down. Colleen remained quiet. “Something wrong?” he asked casually, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

“No…um…nothing’s wrong.” Colleen opened the refrigerator and pulled out another bottle of water. “Still thirsty?”

“No, I’m not thirsty.” He took the bottle from her and placed it on the counter. He braced his arms on either side of her against the kitchen counter. “But there is something I need,” he said, looking her over.

“What?” she asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.

“I need a shower.” Taking her by the hand, he led her to the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom. After turning the water on, he turned back to Colleen. He placed her hand on his erection and her lips parted in surprise.

With a lift of her mouth, she stroked her other hand slowly across his chest to his abs. “You’re showing off,” she said in a sultry voice. “Strutting around with your shirt off.”
