Page 77 of For Your Love

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“Stop pretending you’re one of Jimmy Murphy’s sons,” he said in a mocking tone. “You never had the balls to be who you really are. You’re trying to be a goody-two-shoes attorney, but your DNA makes you like me.”

“The hell it does,” Finn said in disgust. Not being like his father had been the very thing he had fought against his entire life, but deep down, he harbored doubts he would become someone like his father.

“Dex,” his father called out.

Dex entered the room. “Yes, sir?”

“Get him out of here,” his father said, glaring at Finn.

Finn shrugged Dex off and burst out the back door into the parking lot. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at the dark clouds overhead just as the rain started. He had survived round one with his father, and sincerely hoped there would be no round two.

After starting his car, Finn checked his phone. He had another missed call from Sean. He mounted his phone in the holder and dialed Sean.

“Hey,” Sean answered. “Thanks for calling me back.”

“Sorry, it’s been a little crazy. You got my text about staying in Stony Brook for a while, right?”

“Yeah. But I’m worried about Colleen. There’s a big storm coming, and you know how afraid she is of thunder and lightning. I wanted to make sure she wasn’t alone.”

A pang of guilt punched Finn in the gut. “I had to come into the city this morning, and I just finished having a meeting with my father.”

“Really? What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later. I’m headed back to Stony Brook now.”

“Okay. Be safe but get to Colleen as soon as you can.”

“Yeah,” he said, hitting the car horn as he swung around a stalled bus, “traffic is a bitch tonight, but I’ll get there.”



Finn jabbed the button to shut off the radio and took a deep breath. Sitting in bumper to bumper traffic for over an hour was beyond frustrating. The rain came down in hard sheets, making it impossible for his wipers to keep up. The sky lit up with lightning and thunder boomed overhead. Several fender benders, one car breakdown, and an overturned truck slowed him down even more. He tried to call Colleen, but he couldn’t get a signal. He was powerless to do anything but crawl his way down the freeway with everyone else.

Finn took the exit from the freeway and finally entered his mom’s neighborhood. All the homes were dark and with another pang of guilt, he wondered how long Colleen had been alone and afraid.

At last, he pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. Grabbing the flashlight out of his glove box, he jogged to the porch, and opened the front door.

“Colleen?” he called out, moving the flashlight around the room, his heart pounding as he searched for her.

Alfie whimpered and Finn followed the dog’s cries, stumbling over an ottoman near the couch. “Dammit.” He aimed the light at the couch. Colleen was as still as a statue, holding the dog in her arms. Relief surged through him as he went to her.

“Colleen?” he whispered, putting the flashlight on the table, bending to take Alfie from her.

“No!” she yelled, reaching for Alfie, but he scampered out of the room. Colleen jumped to her feet. “Alfie!” She cried out in desperation, not seeming to notice Finn was there. Colleen lurched forward, frantically reaching out for the dog.

Finn took her in his arms. She tried to get away, but he held her closer, her body shivering. “It’s okay, Colleen. I’m here. Everything will be okay. You’re safe.”

A flash of lightning, followed by thunder rolled over and shook the house. “Alfie!” she screamed, struggling to get to the dog.

Colleen’s eyes were unfocused, and her face was frozen in fear. She was having some kind of panic attack and he was at a loss for how to help her.

“Colleen,” he said, shaking her shoulders. “It’s Finn. Look at me.” He lifted her chin to him.

“Finn?” she blinked a few times, fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. “You’re here!” She threw herself into his arms.

Another flash of lightning. “Don’t leave me,” her voice trembled.
