Page 85 of For Your Love

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“I want him with us.” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, my God. Did I say that?”

“Yes, you did. But you should know when Alfie gets needy, he demands to be the center of attention.” While keeping his eyes on the road, Finn touched her bare knee under her sundress.

Colleen placed her hand on his leg, trailing her fingers slowly up his thigh. His cock hardened on demand.

Finn brought her hand to his lips and gave her fingers a kiss. “I can’t concentrate on driving if you keep doing that.”

“What if I can’t wait?” she asked in a sexy voice.

Finn merged onto the freeway and moved to the fast lane. With a wide grin, he said, “It’ll be worth the wait.”

“Good evening, Mr. O’Connor. Ms. Murphy,” David greeted, holding the door for them.

“Hi, David,” Colleen said.

“Who’s this little fellow?” David asked, leaning down to peek at Alfie in his travel crate.

Colleen answered, “His name is Alfie. We’re taking care of him for a while.”

“Thanks, David.” Finn handed David their bags. “No rush bringing the bags up,” he said, catching Colleen’s grin of approval as they stepped inside the elevator.

As soon as the doors closed, Finn pushed the button and put Alfie’s crate down. He took Colleen in his arms and she let out a yelp. Her eyes widened and her breathing accelerated.

“Guess what we’re going to do as soon as we get in my loft?” He gave her a deep kiss, relishing how pliant Colleen became in his arms.

“Is it a surprise?” Colleen asked, wrapping a leg around his.

“Not this time.” He ran his hand up her thigh and kissed her again.

The elevator doors opened, and they stumbled out of the elevator.

“Hi, guys.”

Finn turned, seeing Ashley holding the elevator door open for them. Wasn’t that shitty timing? She wore a short, silver, cocktail dress, and four-inch heels. Her makeup was heavy, with darkened eyes and blood-red lipstick.

“Um…hi, Ashley,” Colleen muttered as Finn pulled her close to him.

Ashley surveyed them with the practiced eye of a predator. “Colleen, isn’t it?”

“Yep,” Colleen said, taking her attention away from Finn to answer Ashley’s question.

“What a cute sundress,” Ashley said, inspecting Colleen. “Are you coming from a picnic?” Her wide smile was as phony as the enthusiasm in her voice. “I haven’t worn a dress like that since high school. But it suits you.” Ashley’s eyes slid over to the bulge in Finn’s jeans. “Good to see you, Finn,” she said with a smirk.

“Can’t say the same,” Finn growled under his breath. He turned his attention to Colleen. She was silent, her smile slipping away.

He grabbed the crate, took Colleen by the hand, and walked down the hall to his loft.

“Have a nice evening,” Ashley called out.

Finn opened the door to his loft and placed the crate on the floor and closed the door behind him.

Colleen wrapped her arms around her waist and wandered into the kitchen. She opened and closed the refrigerator and turned to him.

He walked toward her. “What’s the matter?”

She shook her head and kept her eyes downcast.

“Is this about what Ashley said?”
