Page 87 of For Your Love

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“We’re not done,” he said, placing Colleen back on her feet. “Tonight is about you. Tell me what you want.”

She said with a grin, “I want fish sticks for dinner and to make love all night long.”

“No Scrabble? I might even let you win.”

Alfie’s barking continued like rapid fire.

“Not tonight.” She gave him a quick kiss and a soft laugh. “You know what I want, now let that dog out.”



“This just might work,” Colleen said, examining an eighteenth-century French rococo painting on the Met Museum website. Sitting cross-legged on the floor with her laptop perched on the coffee table, she took a deep gulp of coffee. The morning sunlight streamed through the loft’s massive windows. It was a hopeful sign that she was on a path to a new beginning.

Alfie scurried across the room, into her arms. “Hi, Alfie,” she said, holding him close while looking at her computer.

“What are you working on?” Finn asked, entering the living room, sitting on the arm of the couch, peering over her shoulder.

“It’s just an idea I have,” Colleen said, lifting her eyes from the screen to him. He was gorgeous in a dark blue suit. “You look extra handsome this morning.”

He gave her a kiss and then took a look at the computer screen. “Is this about a job at the museum?”

“No, something different.” Colleen stretched and got to her feet.

His eyes sparkled with interest. “What is it?”

“Let me see what happens before I tell you about it.” She adjusted his pindot navy tie. “I wish you didn’t have to go to work today.”

“Me, too. But the president of the board requested a meeting.” His voice was tense.Finn took a closer look at Colleen. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine,” she answered, lifting her eyes to his. Her mental well-being had been Finn’s constant concern since the storm a few days ago. He showered her with attention—making her dinner, playing Scrabble, and watching old movies. Their lovemaking was wonderful, but she couldn’t stop a nagging feeling that Finn, despite his carefree attitude, was becoming a little too fixated on how to navigate her history of sexual abuse. Colleen had checked in with Jalane to let her know what had happened during the storm. Jalane suggested a meeting with both Colleen and Finn.

“I believe you’re okay. But it might be a good idea to check in with your therapist.”

A huge wave of relief washed over Colleen. Finn wasn’t opposed to her talking to her therapist, but now she had to see if he was committed to joining her. She hoped so, but she had to let this be his decision. “I’ve been thinking the same thing, so I texted her. I wasn’t sure if Jalane could be my therapist since she’s in California, but she went to school in New York and keeps her license active. She’s agreed to talk to us through Skype.”

“Both of us?” he asked, his eyes wide.

She looked at him closely. Maybe she shouldn’t have assumed he would want to be there. She tamped down her disappointment. To be fair, Finn hadn’t had much time to deal with this news. “It’s okay if you’re not comfortable joining the session. I just thought—”

“No, of course, I’ll be there,” he said with a firm nod. “When are we talking to her?”

“This evening.”

“Tonight?” More of the deer-in-headlights reaction.

“Yes, tonight.” She gave him a small nudge with her elbow. “Nervous?” Colleen asked, trying to lighten the mood, but also to find out if Finn was truly interested.

“Not really.” He ran a hand over his face and grimaced. “Well, yeah, to be honest, I am nervous. After my dad’s arrest I did some therapy, but it was tough work. I hated all the probing questions. But I’ll do this for you.”

“It’s not just for me, Finn. It’s for us.”

“Us,” he repeated in a calmer voice. “I like the sound of that.” He kissed her cheek.

“Me too.”

“I better get going,” he said, putting her arm through his as they headed to the door. “By the way, I have some news, too.”
