Page 73 of Love and Gravity

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“Cross my heart. I’ll even help, but I draw the line at getting arrested.”

“That wasone time.”

“Once is enough. We’re lucky it was local authorities who took us in, you know.”

Grace pulled a face at the reminder and stuck her tongue out when Lou began to drone on about the importance of following local authorities, even if, and especially when, trespassing was involved.

“You know, I think I like bring the doling out the chastisements. Not the other way around,” Grace told her, scooping up her duffle bag and trying to balance the two coffees in her hands when she saw the text notification announcing Anton’s arrival.

“Gotta take it if you’re gonna dish it out,” Lou said.

“Uh huh,” Grace said, shoving the cell phone between her shoulder and chin while she reached for the front door. “I gotta run, boss lady best friend. Anton is outside and-” Grace jerked open the door and stopped speaking when she came face-to-face with Anton, who stood with one fist raised to knock on her front door.

“What are you doing here?” Grace blurted out, surprised at his sudden appearance.

“Oh, good morning to you too, dear,” Anton said with a shake of his still-raised fist. “Is one of those for me?” He gestured at the mugs in her hands.

“Yupparoo.” Grace handed the mug to him.

“What’s going on over there?” Lou asked, startling Grace.

“Anton’s at the door.”

“Awww, how cuuuuute.” Lou’s sing-song voice in ear would have made Grace cringe, or even fire off a smart-mouthed retort, but now it just made her blush.

“Yes, he is,” she said instead, making Lou let out a squeak of shock at her frank response, “and I have to go. Like now.”

“Fine, go and enjoy. Call me when you’re back.”

“Of course. Love you too, mom.” Grace smiled at Anton and ended the call as fast as she could. He smirked at her, sipping from his mug as she struggled to lock the door.

“Nervous?” he purred, leaning over her shoulder so that his lips grazed her ear.

She jolted up with a squeak. “What? No. Of course not,” she answered at a volume hardly acceptable for indoors. “Why would I be nervous?”

Anton shrugged. “You tell me. You’re the one blushing and breathless.”


He said nothing and followed her as she stomped down the hallway. He flashed her a grin when she glanced back at him.

“I’m not nervous,” she insisted, shoving open the front door to her apartment building.

“Sure thing.” He gave her a little salute before he stepped forward and nodded at the car. “I believe you.”

“Shut up and drink your coffee,” she ordered as she made a show of getting in the car with as unaffected an air as possible. He rounded the car with a laugh and she fished out the trail mix and held it out to him as he slid into his seat. “And eat this.”

“Why?” he asked, taking the trail mix and eyeballing it before he turned on the car.

“Because it’s what you’re supposed to do.”

“It is?”

“Yes, because I brought the snacks.”

“And the coffee. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now eat.”
