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June 21

The Hamilton Hotel

Ponderosa Pass, Montana


Her sex noises make me wild.

Her body is petite and curvy. It’s easy to pick her up and hold her against the wall of the elevator. My hands skim up her smooth legs and shove her skirt high. I have to see. Touch. I smell the sweet scent of her arousal. I hear her moans. I’m eager for a taste, too.

It takes all my senses to fully consume everything about her. As though I am bewitched by her, I cannot get enough.

She has one leg up around my hip while she tries to balance on the other, but I’ve got her lush ass resting on the handrail running the perimeter of the elevator. The perfect height for me to jam my cock into that hot pussy of hers, which is precisely what I intend to do.

Her eyes are wide, and her lips fall open as she pants. Her mouth looks perfect for fucking and before this night is over, I’m going to test my theory.

But right now, I’ve got my thumb running through her wet slit and she pushes herself against me.

"Damn, you’re an eager one," I rasp.

"Wasting cock is a sin, if you ask me," she replies, reaching out to cup the aforementioned body part.

Jesus. I nearly come right there in my pants. How embarrassing would that be? Though I wouldn’t mind ruining this stupid pair of trousers. Or the whole damn restricting ensemble. Suit, tie, slacks with a crease. Maybe that’s why I am acting like a crazed animal. It’s the clothes. And this city. Any city, actually.

The highlight of this whole trip is finding this beauty in the hotel bar. She was sipping on some sort of fancy cocktail and looking around like she owned the place.

Most people would have believed it too, with the way she had of looking down her nose but also seeming refined and polished at the same time. Sophisticated, even. Sure, she could have been the owner of a fancy establishment like that. But I know different.

Because I own the place. The whole damned hotel: bar, restaurant, pool, spa. Parking garage. Elaborate rooftop terrace people rent out for weddings and other events where they want to impress their friends and relatives. I even own the little store where they sell ridiculously expensive chocolates shaped like the state of Montana, stuffed Jackelopes and other kitschy souvenirs.

Well, me and my family.

But, I digress.

Back to the woman whose moans fill the elevator.

I’m eager as a buck in heat to get out of my clothes and into her tightness, but there isn’t time. Not here in the elevator.

I’ve got my thumb inside the wetlips of her sexand it’s likely to suck me right in. My cock aches to slip through her folds, pound her good and hard.

I’ve got her curved up against the wall of the elevator. Doesn’t look too comfortable, but based on the way she’s panting and the wild glint in her eye, she’s not complaining. At least not about that.

"Hurry up and fuck me," she gasps, then reaches with one hand and grabs my tie to yank me down to her. She nips at my bottom lip then puts her full mouth to mine in a hungry way that has my cock straining to be freed.

While our lips cling together and her tongue nearly tugs mine out of my mouth, I reach behind me and slam my palm on the red ‘stop’ button. I’m going to need a bit more time to get the job done here and I don’t want to be disturbed.

She makes a noise in her throat that sounds like purring. My horny little kitten.

Normally I don’t care much for a woman telling me what to do, but in this case I’ll make an exception. We just met. And she doesn’t know any better.

She’s slick with need. I push aside the fancy thong she’s wearing so I have full access. The scent of her fills my nostrils and my hips start twitching. She’s turned me into some kind of horny teenager, but I can see I’m having the same effect on her. Her mouth hangs open as she gasps for air and the tips of her nipples are hard against the thin summer dress she’s wearing. I can’t wait to fill my mouth with those rounded mounds and suck her nipples between my lips. But right now my focus is on fucking her like there’s no tomorrow.

Basically because there isn’t. We both know the score. You pick somebody up in a hotel bar, you don’t ask a lot of questions. You just get after it, then you both check out in the morning and go your separate ways with a smile on your face and maybe a little hitch in your giddy-up.

She’s panting and twitching against my hand. Her juices run all over. I stick my fingers in her passage and the muscles clamp down around me while I use my thumb to probe at her back door. Her eyes go wide and she looks up at me with a sly grin.
