Page 2 of Adam

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"Oh," I say. "My little kitten likes to have her ass played with?"

She grins wider and says, "Well, what little kitten doesn’t?"

Jesus Christ. My cock throbs painfully against these goddamn slacks. I shift my weight then grab the zipper. I can’t remember the last time I fucked somebody without at least lowering my pants below my ass but we're in an elevator and I'm in a hurry. Much as I'd like to continue probing at her back door, we'll do that after we leave the elevator. Because I know I won't be letting her go until after I’ve fucked her good and hard.

Somehow, I manage to get the condom I always keep in my pocket (not my wallet, that’s for kids) opened and on my dick in about a half a second.

I pick her up with my hands on her hips, lower her so she's straddling me with her legs wrapped around my waist. I brace her against the elevator wall again. Mirrors surround us so it's like an orgy we're in the middle of. I can see the crease of her ass reflected in the mirror and I watch my cock slide all the way into her hot pussy.

I let out a slow breath and our eyes lock together.

It’s on.

I draw back and go in balls deep.

My nuts ache as they slap against her ass. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and rides my cock like it's a bucking bronco.

This little kitten is a tiger.

I know I'm not going to last. It's been a stressful week and I need this bad. But she doesn't appear to be able to hold off much longer either. Her fingernails dig into my shoulder blades through my jacket, and she thrusts her hips into me hard. Her thighs are muscular and her feet—I'm not sure what happened to her shoes. I think they must have fallen off when I picked her up—dig into the cheeks of my ass. She throws her head back and cries out, and I lay my lips along her throat.

I suck so hard I wonder if I might end up giving her a hickey. Seems appropriate since I'm acting like a teenager in the bed of a pickup truck on Saturday night. Something about her has got me fired up and when that happens you gotta let the stampede come on through. Fortunately, she’s up to the task.

She grinds her breasts against my chest, and I feel the beaded tips of her nipples through the fancy shirt I'm wearing. God, I can't wait to get her naked and go at it again and again. But right now I've got my cock jammed in her wet pussy and I'm slamming her up against the wall of the elevator with such force the car shakes on its cable. She appears to love the thrill of it and clings to me harder.

"Holy fuck," she says. "I'm almost there. Don't stop. Please don't stop. Whatever you do, for God's sake, don't stop."And then she milks my cock while she lets out an unbridled moan of unabashed pleasure. I can see the pulse pounding in her throat and then she looks up at me, her eyes glassy.

"Well," she gives me a dreamy sort of smile, "time for you to have yours." She reaches down between our bodies and grabs hold of my balls. She's aggressive but respectful of the family jewels and her touch sends me over the edge. I spill into her and continue to pump until I have nothing left.

* * *


Holy fuck! I think I saw stars when I came. I suppose I ought to say so out loud and feed this guy's ego but I don't think he suffers from any lack in the confidence department. Or any department, considering the soreness I feel in my vagina.

The way he grabbed hold of me and fucked like a boss is exactly what I needed.

After we come, we both look at each other for a moment. The unspoken communication that you've shared something incredibly intimate with a complete stranger.

He releases me slowly until my bare feet touch the floor of the elevator, but keeps his hand around my waist in a gentle and kind of protective way. His breathing is labored so I know he got his fair share too. This pleases me. I'm not all take and no give.

We both lean back against the mirrored wall of the elevator to catch our breath. I’ve got my eyes closed and I feel him shifting around and hear something land in the trash can of the elevator. I assume it is his come-filled condom.

The noise startles me out of my post-fuck reverie and I blink my eyes open.

He takes my hand and raises it to his lips, his gaze never leaving mine as he places a kiss on top of my fingers. Somehow the gesture seems even more intimate than the thorough fucking he just gave me.

He releases the button on the elevator, and we continue our ascent. He takes off his jacket and wraps it around me. When the door opens, we exit. There are a few knowing glances from the people in the hallway waiting for their delayed ride, but he simply drapes his arm over my shoulders, carrying my shoes in his hand as we make our way down the hall.

I feel his body rumble and look up to see he’s suppressing a smile. As soon as we hear the elevator door close down the hall, he drags me into an alcove where he starts laughing. "Jesus, I hope they don’t look in the trash can. I haven’t done anything like that in years."

His laugh is magical. Full and hearty and I get the sense he doesn’t do it nearly enough.

I get the giggles. "The whole place smelled of sex, too," I say when I can get enough air in my lungs to talk. It feels so good to laugh like this. And with him.

He draws me close and kisses me. At first, it’s playful to go with the laughter we shared but then it gets carnal and hot and again I’m clinging to his shoulders like they’re a lifeline.

"Come on, kitten," he says when the kiss ends. "I’m not done with you yet."
