Page 17 of Adam

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"I-I don't know. It was just a one night stand. I'll never see him again."

And that made me feel sort of sad.

* * *


We finish our drinks and shoot a round of pool while talking about business on the ranch. I'm pleased to see them taking a bigger interest in their duties. As I mentioned, they both had me worried after the accident. Everyone seems to be on a more even keel at the moment and I hope it's a trend which continues.

It's been five years. Not a day goes by that I don't miss them all terribly. Don't wonder what life might have had in store for Eddie.

None of us will ever be the same, but it is good to think we are getting to some new form of normal.

"I don't mean to keep bringing this up," Deacon says after racking the pool balls for another game, "or maybe I do." He grins. "But that must have been some hellacious fucking you did last night. I thought for sure you'd rush off to your office and lock yourself in for three days until you were sure Caleb and I hadn't fucked everything up while you were gone. You sure you don't remember the girl's name? She's good for you."

I think about the way her hair fell in dark curls around her face and how those curls bounced when I shoved my cock into her tight pussy. The way her face contorted in the instant before she reached her peak. Yeah, she was good for me.

But, she's long gone.

It's for the best.

There's a tap on the door and Midge, our housekeeper-slash-den mother, pokes her head into the room. "Hey boys. Just wanted to let you know lunch will be ready in about ten minutes. And a reminder that Boone’s friend from college is here."

"The girl from the fancy family in Connecticut?" Caleb asks. "This should be interesting."

"That’s right," Deacon said. "I talked to her this morning. Well, through the intercom at the gate. But I got a look at her. She’s pretty."

"And off limits," I say, perhaps a bit too vehemently.

Deac raises his hands in front of him, palms out. "Okay, okay. I get it. I only said she was pretty."

"You know the rule," I growl at him, then glance over at Caleb for confirmation.

"No boinking Boone’s friends. And vice versa," Caleb says. "We sure as hell don’t want a repeat of the Christy situation."

The mention of her name makes my blood start to boil. And not in a sexy way, either.

But, I’m still riding the glow of last night’s mystery girl so I shove aside my anger toward Christy...and myself, and think about the way elevator-girl’s face looked when she sucked my cock.

"Yes, oh yes. Suck it." I bury my fingers in the short curls of her hair. It’s surprisingly soft and my hand grips her firmly. I don’t want anything to stop her from finishing the job. And based on the way she’s going at it, I’ll be coming any moment.

Her hand slides up my thigh and cups my balls, gently caressing them while her mouth moves up and down my shaft, sucking and licking.

"Christ, baby. I’m about to come and I want you to swallow every last drop."

And she did. Like a champ. I think about her plump lips and my balls tighten a bit.

"Come on, let’s go meet Boone’s friend. And have lunch. I’m starving."

* * *

I had some good meals while I was gone. The ranch provides all the beef and lamb served at The Hamilton Hotel. But none of that compares to Midge’s cooking.

Or maybe it’s her attitude.

"Glad to see you back, Adam," she says and gives me a pat on the shoulder. She’s been with our family for as long as I can remember. She and Mom go way back. Went way back. I shake my head. It’s still hard to adjust my thinking, even after five years.

"Missed you and your biscuits," I tell her and then I feel kind of funny because it sounds like some sort of code. Damn. I really am out of practice with women.
