Page 20 of Adam

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"That’s lovely," I say, and I’ll admit I’m envious. If my family had a tattoo, it would be a dollar sign.

Caleb takes the seat next to Boone and Midge brings in heaping platters. My eyes pop open as I see the men, and Boone too, though to a lesser extent, fill their plates with all manner of food. Pork chops, fried potatoes, hearty slices of tomatoes that look like they just came out of the garden, cornbread, stewed apples, and coleslaw.

I take a small amount of each item, not to be rude, though my stomach is so knotted up I don't know if I'll be able to keep anything down.

Once we fill our plates there's a pause. I expected to see the men dig in like the hungry ranch hands in the movies my grandma likes to watch. While I pause a moment to wonder what's going on, Deacon takes my left hand and Adam clasps my right. Deacon stretches his other hand across the width of the table and joins with Caleb, while Boone's hands are held by Caleb and Adam.

When Boone lowers her head, I do the same. I've never known her to be religious but again, there's a lot I don't know about her, I realize.

Besides, if anyone needs to beseech a deity, it's me. I force myself to send up my own plea for assistance in this hellish situation while fighting to ignore the feel of Adam's hand on mine and the things the deep timbre of his voice does to my insides while he says grace.

Once he is finished, the men dive into their meal and I'm glad to have everyone occupied. I pick at my food, but once I taste the cornbread and stewed apples, I realize I'm famished and eat with more gusto.

"Looks like you've worked up an appetite," Adam says to me, his expression appears benign, but I catch an undercurrent in his tone. "It's almost like you can't get enough," he continues, then goes back to his meal while I squirm in my seat.

* * *


Okay, I'm an asshole. Sue me.

Yeah, I about pissed myself when I realized exactly who I'd fucked last night. Several times.

And of course it can never happen again.

But, having her here. In our home. At our table.

God. It feels good.

For one thing, I can see how happy Boone is to have a friend around. I forget what a sausagefest it is around the ranch and even though she's hardly a girly-girl, I know she misses having someone of her own species to talk to.

Despite the Christy incident—my stomach rolls just thinking about it—Boone does have friends here in town. However, in addition to being part of our family, the wealthiest in the region, maybe the whole state, Boone is freakishly smart. Like Rainman-smart when it comes to numbers, though without the social awkwardness.

So I know she's been lonely. But seeing her now with Kit, there's a spark in her that's been absent around here since she got back from college.

Okay, sure. I'm trying to sound benevolent, but having my mystery girl, my little kitten, next to me. Oh, damn it feels good.

And lethal as hell.

Is it just me, or is the air between us crackling?

No, we can't ever repeat last night, but that doesn't mean I have to hate her, does it?

Besides, Boone would notice if I was rude.

Before I can engage her in conversation, Deac takes the lead. "Kit, what do you think of Montana? A bit different from what you're used to?" He's got a glint in his eye and I catch the way he's gazing at her. If the fucker wasn't so damn big, I'd punch him for even looking at her that way.

Stop. No.

She laughs and it's sweet and genuine. "Yes, it is a bit different from Connecticut. It's incredible. Boone was always talking about how beautiful Montana is, but I'll confess I didn't always believe her. She tends to exaggerate."

Caleb chokes on his drink. He wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve and favors Kit with a grin. "You've got Boone pegged, darlin'."

My stomach knots up. I know we all use the term with nearly every woman we encounter, but hearing Caleb refer to Kit that way doesn't sit so well with me.

"Now you can see I was right," Boone crowed. "This trip is getting off to a great start."

"How long are you staying?" I fight to keep my voice even. If the others are asking questions, it would be rude for me not to join in. Right?
