Page 19 of Adam

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Boone claps her hands happily. I'd forgotten she was even there. My mind's gone to complete static. There's a buzzing in my ears. Is it the nearness of the man from last night? Or the realization that I have broken a cardinal rule of the very best friend I've ever had. Ever would have.

But she'll be long gone from my life if she ever finds out.

"I'm so glad you two finally get to meet."

The three of us walk into the dining room where the table is set for five. My brain clears up enough and I do the math to figure out Boone's other two brothers must be joining us as well.

Adam takes the seat at the head of the table. I suspect that means he's the oldest. The one in charge.

Yeah, that certainly fits with what I know about him. The man likes to take control.

Stop. Stop it right now.

Oh good Lord. How will I last two weeks? My mind races with fake family emergencies which could call me away.

Boone gestures to the seat to Adam's right and says, "You sit here, Kit."

In the whole goddamned mall-sized house, why do I have to sit inches away from the most electrifying man I've ever met?

Thankfully there's a glass of ice water at my seat. I reach for it, but Adam reaches for his napkin at the same time and our hands touch. It's like he's some kind of fucking magnet my body can't resist. We both pull back like we've been zapped, and in the process, I knock over my glass of water and he dumps his silverware onto the floor. Then I bend down to retrieve his silverware while he's trying to right my water glass and ... oh fuck. It's all a catastrophic mess.

Midge comes hustling in. She's the type who always has a kitchen towel tucked into the waistband of her jeans, so she's prepared for the watery mess I've made on her beautifully set table. I apologize over and over.

"Oh heavens, Kit. It's nothing. You can't imagine the number of spills and other messes I've had to clean up around here with this crew growing up. Even now that they are all adults, at least according to the law," she says with a chuckle that means they'll always be kids to her, "they can't seem to keep themselves from creating some sort of havoc. A little trickle of water on the table ain't nothing."

By the time she's finished talking, Midge has the table dried, Adam has a fresh napkin and silverware and two more heart-stoppingly handsome men have entered the room.

Boone makes the introductions. "This is Deacon, my second oldest brother." Deacon steps forward. He's got a mischievous glint in his eye, but I can also see a weariness. Like life's been hard on him lately. Then I remember Boone telling me about how her parents and youngest brother died and everyone in the family reacted differently.

Completely understandable, and heartbreaking.

As I look at him, I remember the man I’d seen in the distance when I first arrived. The one who reminded me of Adam. Well, now I know why. The brothers all share sexy-as-hell DNA, but up close I can see some differences.

Deacon has a full beard, for one thing.

Deacon engulfs my hand in his work-roughened one and gives me a smile that would melt the panties off of just about any woman on the planet. Except, Adam has already gotten me out of my panties.

Deacon takes the seat next to me.

Caleb, the youngest brother, is next. He's charming as well. Equally attractive and manly as his brothers, there's something more innocent about him. He looks to be a couple years older than Boone and me.

It occurs to me how young they were when their family was decimated. I can’t imagine what it has been like for them, but they seem to be a cohesive unit now. Holding together the family they have left.

The three brothers, and Boone as well, are all dressed in what I assume is typical ranch attire. Jeans, boots and a button-down shirt. Adam's shirt is light blue and it does justice to his penetrating eyes. The other two are wearing plaid cotton shirts stretched at the seams from their well-developed muscles.

I know what's beneath Adam's shirt.

And his jeans.

Jesus. Have mercy on me.

I glance at Boone’s right wrist. She’s standing close enough to Adam that I realize the tattoos are exactly the same. Deacon and Caleb too.

"Your tattoos," I say, gaping and pointing like a fool.

"The North Star, for North Starr Ranch," Boone says.

"Our great-great-great grandfather named the ranch for the North Star. It’s sort of a play on the family name, but we also think of it as a reminder of guidance. If you know where the North Star is, you can always find your way," Adam says and the others nod.
