Page 22 of Adam

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"Caleb," I say, my voice low and sounding more like my father's than I care to admit. "That's not the sort of thing we discuss at the table. Or in front of guests."

Caleb dips his head down. "Sorry, Kit."

"No need to apologize. I'm glad you're not treating me like a guest."

I know how I'd like to treat her.

Sonofabitch. I have got to get control of myself.

Boone rushes back into the dining room. "Sorry, there's an emergency with the caterer. I have to head over there right away."

Kit stands. "I'll go with you."

"No, it might take a while and I'm sure you're tired from traveling." Boone turns to me. "Adam, would you please show Kit to her room and make sure she's comfortable? I'll be back as soon as I can, but I bet she's ready to hop into bed."




Boone’s gone before I have a chance to process what’s happened, leaving me staring at her back and then over at Adam.

Deacon and Caleb have taken off as well. Adam and I can barely look at each other. My body feels stiff and on edge.

He nods at me and says, "This way."

I follow behind him. His back is ramrod straight as well. I also can't help noticing how his ass looks extremely awesome and squeezable in the tight jeans he's wearing today. It's a different look from the well cut suit he had on last night. Not every man can look comfortable in a $1,200 suit and a $50 pair of jeans, but Adam is one of those guys.

He takes me a different route through the massive home. We pass by what appears to be a walk-in pantry. Midge sticks her head out and says, "Hey, why don't you go the other way and take the elevator?"

Holy crap. There's an elevator in the house? Not only is it an indicator of huge wealth and somewhat extravagant, but I don't expect I'll ever be able to think about an elevator again without my ass tingling remembering the sensation of being shoved up against the wall.

My core starts to heat imagining Adam’s fingers on my clit, his rough voice growling in my ear.

Adam seems affected as well because he stumbles a bit going around the corner.

"No thanks, Midge," he says, righting himself and moving at an even faster pace. "I thought we’d take the stairs so our guest has a better idea of the layout of the house."

"Sure, whatever you'd like. I just thought she might be tired after all that travel. But, you kids are young so go on ahead. Don't mind me."

We continue in silence. The hall is wide enough that we could walk side by side, but I'm not sure I have the emotional energy to be so close to him. He takes the stairs two at a time and I tag along behind him. It's a wood staircase that goes up to a broad second floor landing which serves as kind of a loft over portions of the first floor. There are sofas and cozy sitting areas and I imagine being there on a cold winter night enjoying the heat wafting up from the stone fireplace which takes up most of a wall in the living room one floor below. The house has a ridiculous number of windows.

Silently we make our way up to the third floor. Adam looks at me over his shoulder and says, "All the bedrooms are up here." As we go down the hallway he gestures to the right and says, "This is Boone's room."

He points out rooms belonging to Caleb and Deacon as well. And of course, his room is directly across the hall from the guest room which has been designated for me.

He opens the door and stands back for me to go in ahead of him. I can't help myself and I think about the same thing happening eighteen hours or so ago.

As soon as the door closes behind us, we turn and face each other. Once again, I'm reminded of his breathtaking good looks, but I force myself not to think about it, as though that's possible. Because we're in a crisis.

"Holy shit!" we both say at once. "I didn't know."

Somehow we’re saying the same things at the same time which is nearly as freaky as all the other things that have happened to me in the last twenty-four hours.

We stare at each other for an instant and then I tear myself away and start pacing around the room. Arms flapping as I talk out loud, mostly to myself, but I have to process this.

"She'll kill me if she finds out. Literally kill me." I turn to Adam. "Once, when we were roommates and I woke her up too early on a Saturday morning, she reached down next to the bed, threw a shoe and hit me in the shoulder and didn't even open her eyes once."
