Page 3 of Adam

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With his hand casually but possessively on my hip, he guides me further into the alcove.

I should protest as we get near his room. I've gotten what I needed and he is, after all, a stranger.

But I have a pretty good sense about these things. Or so I tell myself. And damn it if I don't want more.

He takes me around a corner to a portico where there's another elevator. It has a label that says "Penthouse."When he puts his palm flat on the blue screen next to it, the doors slide open.

"Well, kitten?" he says in a sexy voice that melts my insides, "shall we continue where we left off?"

Surely they don't allow perverts to have the penthouse, right?

Besides, I’d observed him from my seat in the bar as he made his way through the hotel lobby. Everyone from the bellhops to the front desk workers knew him and treated him with respect. Sure, The Hamilton Hotel was known for first class service, but there was something different about the way the employees responded to him. And, more importantly, how he treated them. Stopped and talked. Actually showed interest in what they were doing.

I’ve met creeps before. Despite their outer appearance of respectability, I could tell.

This guy isn’t one of those. Far from it.

It feels like I've hit the jackpot and I think about what a kick my friend Boone will get out of this whole story tomorrow. I step into the elevator and he follows, the doors close behind us and I wonder if there will be a repeat of our last elevator ride. My legs are still wobbly, but the night is young and so am I.

We stand close but he doesn't do anything more than keep his arm about my shoulders. His jacket feels cozy and intimate and it smells good. Like a man.

A Montana man.

The tension in the small box is palpable. Aching need courses through me.

The elevator door opens directly into the living room of a massive penthouse suite. This isn't my first time at the top of a building, but it's still impressive. He gestures for me to go ahead of him and I walk into the room. Everything is clean and modern and I see personal items in the suite. Floor to ceiling windows reveal the lights of the city. It’s summer and the sun hasn’t completely set, even though it’s nearly 10:00 p.m. The dusky point where the streetlights are on, and the sun is descending behind the mountains.

I step toward the windows. By East Coast standards, Ponderosa Pass, Montana is small. Modest. But the contrast of the city lights with mountains in the background is breathtaking.

He comes up behind me and slides his jacket from my shoulders. I'm sorry for it to be gone, because it was warm with his body heat. However, he replaces it with his arms, circling them around my waist and drawing me back against him. There's no mistaking his massive cock, which is hot, hard and ready again. I glance up and catch our reflection in the large window. Not that I hadn't already checked him out thoroughly in the bar, as well as inside the elevator where the mirrored walls provided a view from every angle.

He's hot. Sexy. The kind of sexy that comes from being confident. His arms are strong. He's rolled up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt to reveal a star tattoo on the inside of his right wrist. Boone has one sort of like it. Must be a Montana thing.

I can see the muscles of his forearms. These do not appear to be the result of sitting behind a desk, and based upon the calluses on his hands, I know he's not prone to working out in the gym either. He's not one of those guys who wears gloves and does Peloton workouts.

Tailored suit. Expensive shoes. Penthouse suite. Rough hands. Muscles. Brooding masculinity. So many contradictions but I get that they are all part of him.

I put my curiosity about his personal life aside. This is a one-night thing. Maybe not even all night. A couple more hours and I’ll head back to my room happy and thoroughly fucked. I don’t want him to ask me any questions and I’ll grant him the same courtesy.

All that matters is I'm getting myself some wild cowboy fucking tonight. I've had enough big-talking low-producing fancy-boy romances for the time being. I'm on vacation and I'm going to enjoy myself. Apparently he feels the same because he moves his hands to the hem of my dress. His mouth is at my ear, "I'm planning to spend the rest of the night fucking you, little kitten," he says to me. "If that's not part of your plan, now's the time to say so. No harm no foul. I'll take you back downstairs and set you free just like when I find a bird out in the wild."

I pause for a moment to contemplate his words. It really isn't smart for me to be here, but when was the last time I made the smart choice?

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm a good girl. I make the right choices all the time.

But tonight, I'm going to have some fun. Cowboy fun.

I give a slight nod and he starts raising my skirt up over my hips. As my mound is exposed, the cool air of the room makes the liquid on my thighs sticky. I can smell myself. The aroma of my sexual arousal fills my nostrils. I can see my thong reflected in the window. It's wrecked. It's been shoved to the side in order for him to get his cock inside me while we were in the elevator and he fucked me fiercely.

I should be satisfied but I'm not.

And I want more.

He continues to lift the hem, turning my dress inside out. I raise my arms so he can slip it all the way off. Then he tosses it aside.

I stand in front of him looking out at the city. My nipples are like icicles poking through the sheer fabric of my bra. I press my hips back to grind my ass against his cock and he growls in my ear.

"Be careful what you wish for, little kitten," he says.
