Page 31 of Adam

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"What will Peter Brinkman say?"

Shocked, I pull away. "What are you talking about?"

He looks embarrassed. "I spied on you online. I noticed he's left some comments wondering when you'll be back home. It sounds like he wants to see you." I gape at him. "For what it's worth, he seems like a decent guy."

Stunned, I'm speechless for a couple beats. "Peter is an old family friend. I haven't actually seen him for several years, but my mother and his mother have gotten it into their heads to play matchmaker. I’ll admit I wasn’t opposed to it. Until…"

"Until?" he prompts.

"Until I met you," I say, my face flaming, but I’ve never meant anything more in my whole life.

"Oh," he says and looks relieved. Then he smiles a slow smile and my heart flips around in my chest. "I’m glad we met," he says, his eyes boring into mine.

"Me too," I whisper just before he leans over and kisses me, and his lips taste of strawberry freezer pie.

When the kiss ends, he leans his forehead against mine for a moment and then pulls back to look at me. We stay that way for a moment and then I swat his arm. "I can't believe you spied on me."

"I can't believe how happy I am to know you don't have a date planned with Peter Brinkman."

We laugh together and it’s the most wonderful feeling in the whole world.


June 26


I wake up happier than I have been in weeks. Maybe forever. I walk into the dining room for breakfast and hear Midge berating Deacon.

"I know it was you, Deacon. Don't even try denying it. I don't mind that you ate the rest of the pie, but at least admit it." She's got her hands on her hips and even though he's twice her size, Midge has Deacon cowed.

"Midge, I swear, if it was me, I'd admit it. But it wasn't."

Kit, Boone and Caleb are watching the argument. Boone and Caleb are clearly entertained. Kit looks like she might be sick. Any other time, I'd let Deacon take the fall, but Kit’s expression says she might burst into guilty tears at any moment.

"Now, Midge, don't be too hard on him. It was actually me who ate the pie."

"What?" Midge turns to me. "Why, you almost never eat that much, especially late at night." She reaches up and puts the back of her hand on my forehead. "No fever. Hmm. Maybe you ought to see the doctor. I'll call." I grab her arm as she's taking off for the phone. I spin her around and kiss her on the cheek.

"Stop fussing. I was just hungry. I missed your good cooking after being gone so long. No need to call the doctor."

She blushes. We're not an affectionate family so I'm sure the kiss on the cheek threw her off guard. Surprised myself, too.

Midge goes back to the kitchen and I help myself to the food on the sideboard before I take my seat.

"I'd have left Deacon out to dry," Caleb says. "He'd have done the same to you."

"Would not." Deacon glares at Caleb. "Besides," he grins, "I did come down last night looking for the leftovers, but it seems our big brother beat me to it."

We all laugh and I sneak a peek at Kit. She's laughing too and looks relieved.

Today is the first day of our plan to make this work out. We've decided we're going to act as normally as possible and over time, we'll gradually ease Boone and the rest of the family into the idea that we're in a relationship. But until then, strictly business between us. At least as far as anyone else is concerned.

It's going to be tricky, but she's worth it. And I think if we handle it right, unlike everything else I've done regarding Kit so far, Boone will see this is much different from the whole debacle with Christy.

I'm willing to be patient.

I hope.
