Page 32 of Adam

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"How are the plans for the barbecue coming along?" I ask Boone. "Only about a week to go, right?"

"Everything's on track. Thanks to Kit. She really is the best organizer and party planner I know. We're going to town today to double check everything with the caterer, baker and florist."

"Florist?" Deacon says. "Whaddaya need flowers at a barbecue for?"

"So it looks nice," Kit tells him.

He harrumphs and she giggles at him.

Damn. That makes me jealous. There’s nothing sexual about any of it, but I want her attention on me. All of it. All the time. Period. Amen. End of sentence.

Sure, I'm a patient man.

I take a sip of coffee and glance her way. Our eyes meet for an instant and that's all I need.

I'll wait forever if I have to.

* * *


I feel fantastic. Sitting next to Boone as we drive into town, I've made this trip with her enough times now that the sights are familiar and I start to feel like I could stay here. Live here. Work with Boone.

Spending time with Adam last night. Talking. Laughing. It was incredible. Yes, the sexual chemistry between us is combustible, but he's got a soft, caring side too. I've seen it a couple times and have a feeling I'm one of the privileged few who’ve experienced it.

Optimism. That's what I feel.

Adam and I have made a plan. We are, to the best of our abilities, going to act like we're not aching to get naked together. At least when anyone else is around.

I'm hopeful that over time, Boone will adjust to our growing closeness and eventually she, as well as the rest of the family, will accept our relationship.

It's not like Boone is an ogre who wouldn't want us to be happy. But we need to handle this with care.

"Wow, Midge sure got mad at Deacon over the pie," I say. It's fun to feel like part of the family. I don't have brothers. Just an older, perfect, sister, Bridget. I always wished we could be close, but she had her nose so far up my mother's ass, it was hard for me to find a place for myself.

Boone laughs. "Yeah, I was surprised Adam didn't let him take the heat for it too."

"Maybe he's too honest for that sort of thing," I say, casual-like.

Boone shrugs. "Adam is about the most straight-up guy I've ever met. Caleb and Deacon are good guys too, but Adam has a pretty firm moral compass." She glances at the tattoo on her forearm and turns it toward me as she drives. "I guess we all do, or at least try."

I’m actually jealous of the tattoo. What it symbolizes and the way it sets the members of the Starr family apart while binding the four of them together.

"But," she says with a grin, "that doesn't mean he wouldn't have liked seeing Midge give Deac hell over the missing pie."

"I'm enjoying the chance to get to know your brothers. Boone. You're lucky."

She thinks for a minute. "Yeah, I really am."

It's a short drive to the florist and we park out front. Boone's truck with the North Starr Ranch logo on the door is hard to miss. Maybe it's good for business for the people in town to see her truck in front of the florist's shop. It's hard to be inconspicuous.

"Morning, Boone," a cheerful woman comes out from the back of the shop to greet us. She wipes her hands on a green apron she's wearing that says Mary Kay’s Flowers on it.

"Morning, Mary Kay," she replies. "This is my college friend, Kit, she's come to town to help me with the barbecue."

I put my hand out and Mary Kay clasps it in both of hers and pumps up and down. "Why, I'm right proud to meet you, Kit. We're all so glad to have Boone back in town, where she belongs, if you ask me."

She releases my hand and gives Boone a look that's a combination of chastisement and affection. "I was afraid she'd go east to some fancy college and never want to come back. But it looks like she brought the best parts of it here. Friends are important, I always say. Give me a good friend over a husband any day. That reminds me, Boone, did you hear Ruth who runs the gift shop down the street left her husband? Well, can't really blame her, everyone knows he was a scoundrel. I did the flowers for their wedding and even then I knew he was no good. I can tell, you know."

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