Page 33 of Adam

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"Um, Mary Kay," Boone jumps in when the chatty florist pauses to take a breath, "I wanted to drop off the final numbers for our order for the barbecue."

"Oh yes, of course. I'm so sorry, I get to talking and can't stop, it seems." She takes the piece of paper Boone hands her and scans the list, pulling a pencil from behind her ear and making some notes on it. "You two wait here. I just need to check some things and I'll be right back."

She leaves and Boone and me standing there, not making eye contact until she's out of sight. Then we both break into giggles. "She's kind of a talker," Boone says. "But she's actually very sweet and her flowers are to die for."

I gesture toward a big funeral arrangement waiting to be delivered. "Yeah, I guess you're right." And we both snort with laughter again.

Mary Kay returns before we can get ourselves under control. "Now, that's what I like to hear. Two friends laughing together. I don't think I want to know what gave you two the giggles, but I'm glad you're having fun."

She's got a pair of potted hydrangeas with her and sets them on the counter. "Now I got two dozen of these ordered to put on the tables. Then when you're done with 'em you can have some of the men out at the ranch plant 'em. Or keep 'em in the pots, but they'll outgrow 'em."

"What if you cut the blooms off and put them in vases?" I suggest. "Then you could hang on to the plants and sell them later." I catch myself and stop, look up at Boone. "But, I mean, it's your party. What do you think?"

"I like that idea," Boone says and I breathe a sigh of relief. It was rude of me to jump in after she's made the arrangements. "We'll pay the same price, but you can keep the plants and we'll just take the blooms. Much as I'd like to have them planted around the ranch, it's July and all the men are busy. Adam would have my head if I asked for men to do gardening duty."

"Well, maybe you ought to ask Adam to do it himself," Mary Kay suggests. "He's always had a soft spot for you, Boone." She turns to me. "Have you met Adam? And Caleb and Deacon?" She waggles her eyebrows. "They're some good looking fellas, if you ask me. Sure, I know I was just talking about how friends are better than men, but those North Starr boys are first rate. And not only in the looks department. You can't go wrong with one of them."

Boone's cheerful mood clouds over and she stiffens. "Now, Mary Kay," she says. "We've got a family rule about dating friends."

Mary Kay looks puzzled for a moment and then recognition dawns on her. "Oh, yes. The whole thing with Christy. Yes, it was an ugly mess, wasn't it?" She turns to me. "Well, I'm sure you're not that sort of girl, Kit."

We finish up our plans for the flowers and leave.

My optimism from earlier disappears.

Based on Boone's reaction, Adam's plan is going to be more complicated than I expected.

But, it’s worth it. I could have Adam and my best friend. Plus, I’ve always dreamed of owning a party business. And brothers. Even the town is growing on me. All of it.

I sigh and square my shoulders.

I will not run away from my troubles. Not this time.

* * *


Boone and I go back to the ranch and head to a building separate from the house. It looks like each of the Starr siblings have an office and my stomach flips up when she points out Adam’s at the end of the hall.

In the time since she asked me to stay and work with her, she's been pouring on the pressure. She walks past the office that saysBoone Starron the door and stops in front of the one next to it.

A piece of paper is taped to the door. It says:

The Love Knot

Kit d’Winter

Oh my.

She points to the paper. "Just say the word and I’ll have this put on there permanently."

I had a great time today meeting with different people providing services for the party and Boone and I talked the whole way back about ideas for the tables and lighting. I love this sort of thing. I’ve got Pinterest in my DNA.

But, this is a big commitment. I don’t want to jump into anything yet, despite the plan Adam and I have.

"What do you think?" she asks, then opens the door and shows me the inside.

She’s definitely not playing fair. The office is exactly the way I would have designed it myself. She knows me so well.
