Page 39 of Adam

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I'm tired of pretending and pussy-footing around Boone. She's an adult, not a little girl and she can't dictate what the rest of us do. It's not like I went out of my way to fall in love with her best friend.

Woah. Where did that come from?

But, it's true. I feel myself smile, sitting alone in my office like a love-sick idiot.

Resolved, I stand up and head for the door. It's time to face this thing head on.

Once I'm outside I feel a weight off my shoulders. It was foolish to think we could ease Boone into accepting Kit and I as a couple. Boone and ease don’t go in the same sentence. I take a long inhale of fresh Montana air and gaze to the heavens, silently asking my parents for advice. Damn, I miss them. Especially when it comes to dealing with Boone.

I hear a truck roaring up the driveway and turn in that direction, ready to tear whoever is being so careless a new one when I recognize Boone's truck. She's gripping the wheel like the woman in those Dalmatian movies and her face is nearly as enraged.

Oh shit. What's happened now?

Boone jumps out of the truck and slams the door. I glance toward the passenger side and Kit gets out. She looks shell-shocked.

"What the hell is going on?" I demand, hurrying toward her.

Boone is stomping toward the house but stops in her tracks and turns on me. "You, this is all your fault." She spins on her heel and goes into the house, slamming that door too.

Kit is standing next to the truck, her face pale. I go to her and take her hands in mine. "Did you tell her?" I ask. What else could have caused such a reaction in Boone?

Kit shakes her head slowly from side to side. "No, though I thought about it, but thank god I didn't."

She looks at our joined hands then jerks hers away and glances around guiltily. "We were having pie at The Trailhead Diner and everything was fine and then some other girls came in and we were all talking and Boone was happy, then this girl comes in and as soon as she and Boone saw each other, everything changed." Kit shudders. "It was freaky. W-we left and Boone said she was Ch-Christy. The one you used to date."

"Oh shit. I thought she'd left town."

"Well, she was there today," Kit says, still in a daze.

I tip her face up so our eyes meet. "You don't think I care about her, do you? Christy, I mean. Because I don't. You're the one I want."

She holds my gaze then looks away. "No," she says, shaking her head. "This is wrong. It's too hard. I don't want to have to tip-toe around Boone or have her go off on me. She said Christy was d-dead to her." She turns back and stares into my eyes. "We can't do this. I was a fool to think we could. I don't have it in me."

She blinks back tears and runs into the house while I stand there with my mouth hanging open.

What the hell just happened?

* * *


I know I should go and check on Boone. It's clear she's hurting and I feel bad for her. I know she's angry, but underneath it, she's hurt. All of Boone's bravado covers a little girl who is scared. I get that.

But at the moment, I need to collect myself.

I just ended things with Adam. I went from almost telling Boone about us to ending it in a matter of thirty minutes.

It was the right thing to do. We were idiots to think we could make this work.

I care very much for Adam. It might be love.

But I love Boone too and I refuse to hurt her any more.

Move to a town and tear up a family and have everyone know it?

No. I won’t do it.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up, hoping it's from Boone. Instead it's my mother.
