Page 40 of Adam

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When are you coming home? Peter has been asking about you. Did you get all the butter churned yet?

I sigh. I've been ignoring her messages but it's time to get back to reality and stop this dumb fantasy of living on a ranch with a sexy cowboy. I shake my head at myself. What was I thinking? Me? On a ranch?

I have a flight scheduled for July 5, the day after the party. I'll see you then.

I pause for a moment, then hit send.

I've been meaning to change my flight but hadn't yet. Maybe I knew this was all a bunch of foolishness.

Well, no more.

In the en suite bathroom I splash some water on my face and look at myself in the mirror.Stop being an idiot, I say to myself.

Then I go in search of Boone.

* * *


By dinner time, Boone seems to have calmed down. No doubt Kit played a major part in getting her back on an even keel.

"Sorry I yelled at you, Adam," Boone says after she takes her seat on my right at the dinner table. "I need to get over this thing with Christy and I thought I was over it, but when I saw her today, it brought it all back up."

"It's been years, Boone," Caleb says, "you need to stop letting this eat at you. It's not good for you."

"Or your truck," Deacon adds. "I heard you tearing up the driveway." He gives her a look. "You know better."

Kit is in her usual spot to my left. I can sense her there, but she won’t look at me.

"I said I was sorry," Boone replies. "That goes for all of it, okay?" She heaps some mashed potatoes on her plate and then passes the bowl to me.

I add a scoop to my dinner and turn to Kit. "Potatoes?" I say.

She looks up at me and her eyes are full of sadness. "Thank you," she says, taking the bowl and making sure not to touch me in any way. She spoons out a tiny amount and sends the potatoes on to Deacon.

Same thing with each dish. She looks like she's going to be ill and pushes the food around on her plate. Even the brownies and ice cream for dessert don't appeal to her. "No thanks," she says to Midge. "I'm so full of all the fine food you made for dinner."

Caleb studies her then glances my way.

"Well, I'll have her share," Deacon says and Kit gives him a smile. The first I've seen from her today.

After dinner she excuses herself and goes to her room.

Shit. I need to fix this.

If only I knew how.

* * *


For the first time since I arrived at North Starr Ranch, I avoid Boone and the rest of the family and hide out in my room. Usually after dinner Boone and I, and at least one of her brothers, sit on the porch and enjoy the sunset or take a walk around the ranch.

It feels kind of strange not doing the ritual tonight. Funny how in only ten days it's become an anticipated and enjoyable part of my day. Ranch life is much more appealing than I ever expected.

I sit in the leather chair which matches the sofa Adam and I defiled on my first day here. And a couple times since. My eyes slant to the sofa, but I can't sit there. Too many memories.

I purposely turn my back to the sofa, and the bed, and the bathtub, and look out a different window, which is easy to do since the room is at the end of the house and I have windows on two walls and breathtaking views from any location in the room.
