Page 5 of Adam

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I peek back at him and see my essence coating his mouth. He winks at me and smiles like a kid who got caught eating chocolate. I watch as he retrieves a condom from the nightstand and snaps it into place.

He moves so he’s standing behind me, his cock resting at my entrance. I hold tighter to the bedclothes.

He presses the head further into my opening and I mewl in anticipation.

"Oh God, yes,"I cry out.

"I want to fuck you so bad I can't see straight at the moment."

He reaches around and grabs hold of my breasts, pinching the nipples between his fingers as he continues to slide his cock into me. He goes in an inch or two at a time and then slides back out, prolonging the moment until he's fully seated inside me.

I grit my teeth and suppress a moan. I hang my head trying to maintain my composure while he taunts me this way then finally fills me completely.

I can feel him all the way in, taking up every bit of space inside my vagina. I pause for a moment to enjoy the feel of him. Then he starts moving. His strokes are slow at first, sawing in and out. But it doesn't take long before we are both fully engulfed in the fire that's going on between us. I cry out nonsensical words and phrases while he's grunting and slamming into me.

His balls slap against my clit and I spiral toward the sky. When I come it is loud and soulful, as though it starts in my toes and rips its way out my body.

I scream and claw at the bed clothes. His arm around my waist keeps me steady. Keeps me in place so he can continue fucking me from behind. I shatter into a million pieces then hang my head and pant while he thrusts into me one final time. He climaxes hard, spurting his hot seed inside me. I collapse on the bed in oblivion.


June 22


Sunlight streams in the tall windows of the hotel suite. I stretch in the bed and glance over at the clock. My eyes adjust to read the time and I wake up fully with a start.

I slept much later than I expected. I never set an alarm since I'm always up before the sun, but today obviously, that’s not the case.

And then I remember.

Remember the dark-haired beauty I met in the hotel bar. Remember the way we finally collapsed onto the bed last night. Or was it early this morning?

I spooned her up against my body and she'd purred like the little kitten I knew she was. And I fell asleep. More soundly than I had slept in ages.

I reach my arms out in the bed searching for her. But she isn't there. I sit up and throw back the covers. My heart sinks a little when I realize she has gone.

I rake my hand through my hair, give a shrug and head for the shower. Hot water and steam blast me from all directions and I indulge for several minutes, allowing it to penetrate my sore muscles. I brace against the wall and let the water cascade down my back.

I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed not to see her this morning. That’s pretty unusual for me. Not that I go around picking up girls all the time, but it's also not a rare occurrence either. The fact she is up and gone without a word or a trace only makes her even more intriguing to me.

Usually I wake up before the girl and then try to figure out how I'm going to get on with things and get her out of my bed and out of my life as quickly as possible.

Yeah, I'm kind of an asshole that way.

I finally shut off the shower and dry myself.

I'm dressed and ready to leave. I look around the room and shove my personal items into a leather valise. The suit is crumpled in the corner and I at least pick it up off the floor and lay it on the bed. The maid will have itdry cleaned and return it to the closet for me to wear the next time I come to Ponderosa Pass. I keep my city clothes here, which works out just fine for me. I don't have any use for ties and cufflinks or shiny shoes back at the ranch.

I toss a wad of bills on to the dresser for the housekeeping staff who will have to deal with the mess I've left behind.

Usually I tidy up before I leave, out of courtesy and because that's how my mama raised me, but today I feel like I'm suffocating and need to get out on the road.

I get into the elevator that takes me down to the top floor of guest rooms. And as I'm retracing our steps down the hallway, I can't help thinking about her. The gentle curve of her hips. The silky way her curly hair felt when I grasped it in my hand and gave a tug. The way she moaned when I did. The taste of her lips and the feel of her sweet pussy as it clamped down hard around my cock.

I push the button for the elevator down to the lobby and as luck would have it, I'm in the same car she and I rode up in hours before. I glance guiltily towards the trash can and I'm relieved to see it has been emptied.

I can’t help but chuckle to myself at how I behaved.
