Page 6 of Adam

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On the way downstairs the elevator stops on the 12th floor and an attractive woman steps in. She eyes me in a way I recognize and I feel nothing.

I'm still savoring the pleasure from the night before and have no interest in any other women. At the lobby I allow her to exit first then turn in the opposite direction, toward the staff area.

I make a point of going into the office of the hotel manager, Caroline. My family and I are technically the owners of this hotel, but we leave the management to others.

That's the smart thing to do, particularly when you don't actually have any experience in running hotels. This was an investment my father made a few years before his death in order to diversify the holdings of our family. I don't disagree with that decision, and even though it is the nicest hotel in the city, with the awards to prove it, I'm just as happy to be on my way back to the ranch as soon as possible.

I give Caroline a compliment on the way the hotel operates. She looks pleased, which is my intention. I don't mind giving credit when credit is due and she's doing a great job.

Before I leave, I casually pass her an envelope with some cash in it.

"Would you find out who worked last night cleaning elevators? And make sure they get this? Thank you."

She looks somewhat startled but doesn't question me, which is one of the things I appreciate about her most. I tell her goodbye and head out into the fresh morning air. While I wait for the valet to bring my truck around, I take several deep breaths and look off toward the mountains, centering myself. Coming to the city is necessary but it usually makes me feel a little bit off-kilter. All the people and the noise. The crowds. The fast pace. I guess it's okay for a short visit but when my big Dodge Ram comes rolling around the corner I'm happy to climb in and settle into the seat.

It's where I belong.

* * *


I'm still getting used to the rental car but I manage to set the GPS and find a Starbucks. Sure, there's a fantastic coffee shop in the hotel lobby but for some reason I feel the need to get away as fast as I can.

Not that I have any regrets. Oh no, far from it.

I smile to myself and squirm a little in the leather seat of the sports car. Last night was one for the ages. But I don't want to run into the sexy cowboy again. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed or anything like that. But it seems in the light of day men are never as appealing as I think they are in the dark.

Our night together was absolute perfection. The stuff of dreams. And I want to keep it that way. If I'd woken up this morning and he had nasty breath, or said something stupid, the whole fantasy would have been destroyed for me.

I want to keep this night, and the memories of it, special. Yes, it was a one-night stand. No strings, but, there was something unique and magical about the things that happened between us.

I pull into the drive-thru and get my giant ration of caffeine before heading out onto the highway. The GPS says it will be about two hours until I get to the tiny town where Boone lives. I don't suppose they have a Starbucks in Chickadee Ridge, Montana.

Most likely I’ll have to get coffee at a place that also sells fresh bait. I shudder.

It's a wide-open highway so I allow my mind to wander. Back to last night.

"Suck my cock," he says in a commanding voice that makes my insides melt. He's standing next to the giant bed and I take in the full view of him. Exactly as I'd imagined, he is naked cowboy perfection.

I do as I'm told. It's rare for me to let anyone boss me around, but this man is different. Plus I've been dying to get my lips around his cock since I first felt it in the elevator.

Oh hell, who am I kidding? I've been anxious to get around his cock since I watched him saunter through the hotel lobby. The man oozed sex and naughtiness the instant I saw him. Frankly the fact I'm kneeling on his bed sucking his cock is no surprise.

He grips the base and holds it out to me like some sort of treat from a concession stand. I walk on my knees closer to him and bend to take the full length of him in my mouth.

Even after fucking me twice, he's hard and ready.

But not just yet. He made me wait and I'm going to test his patience too. I reach out and cup his balls and then drape the fingers of my other hand around the base where his had been a moment ago.

He grips my hair. I can feel his fingertips digging into my scalp as he holds me in place. He's fucking my mouth as he moves his hips back and forth.

He's told me to suck his cock. And that's what I intend to do. Despite his grip on me, I move my head up and down so there's double action on his huge dick. His balls in my hand clench and I know he's mere moments away from shooting all of it down my throat.

My hips wiggle in anticipation. I continue to roll my tongue around the heft of his cock.

He removes one hand from my hair and slides it into the slick folds of my pussy. My clit is pulsing and he finds it with laser-like precision. His thumb creates pressure on my sensitive nub.

Then with his forefinger he presses against my back hole. I gasp and quiver.
