Page 1 of His Errant Ward

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Chapter One

“Iwill not do it andyou cannot make me.” Lady Natalia Waltham’s dark eyes flashed and her delicate hands fisted on her hips as she turned upon Mr. Zander Thwaite, her guardian and most frequent debate opponent.

“Ah, but I can and will. Your father entrusted me with your care and upbringing—though what I ever did to him to deserve it, I shall never know. Regardless, the decision as to your spouse was made by your father before his death. It was his wish for you to marry Lord Banyon and it is my duty to carry out that request.”

“And why am I only now learning that my fate was sealed long ago and without my knowledge and consent?”

Zander sighed. She could be most exasperating. “I am sure your father intended to inform you of this arrangement as soon as his health had recovered enough for him to do so. Unfortunately, events did not go as he had planned. Regardless, Lord Banyon will be a most suitable husband.”

“Suitable?” Lady Natalia’s skirts swirled and swished as she stomped around the library of Slattery Hall. “A hat issuitable. The preparation of roasted venison issuitable. I should think the selection of a man who is to know me most... intimately...” she blushed at the word and paused briefly before continuing, “ought to be more thansuitable.”

She stared out the large picture window, her breath coming in shallow pants, causing her chest to rise and fall rapidly within the confines of her dress before turning to address him again. “I am the mistress of this house, as you well know. I ought to have you tossed to the street for making such a preposterous suggestion.”

“Asyouwell know, my dear Tallie, your father’s will specifically states I am to have residence here until you are wed.”

“I suppose that is why you are in such a rush to have me totted off to Lord Banyon. I am sorry to keep you from your carefree bachelor lifestyle.”

“My ‘bachelor lifestyle,’ as you call it, is none of your concern and your insinuation that I am being less than diligent in my duties as your guardian because it does not suit my own plans is incorrect and insulting. I demand an immediate apology from you.”

Tallie sniffed and walked away. “Was it a meeting of the guardian benevolent society that kept you out last night until nearly three a.m.?”

“Do not turn away from me, Natalia.”

Ignoring his instructions, she spoke over her shoulder, “What does it matter? I shall not be your concern much longer.”

She picked up a copy of the morning newspaper, sat upon a wing chair with her feet on the coffee table, and opened it wide, like a large screen between them.

Zander inhaled deeply, refusing to allow her to know she had caused him pique. He had not sought out the role of guardian, but he would not shirk his duty. He cared too much for the friend who had entrusted him with Tallie’s care to dishonor his memory by doing a poor job.

He had been hesitant to discipline the headstrong girl. He now regretted that decision and chalked it up to foolish optimism and an unfounded hope of her adopting a more mature attitude toward life and her obligations to herself, her family line, and her station in life.

As he tugged the newspaper from her hands, she refused to release it and thus she retained several scraps of paper between her fingers while he held the bulk of the newspaper, which he rolled into a tube and used to swat her legs off the table.

“How dare you?” She wadded up the papers in her hands and threw them at him. They bounced off his jacket and landed on the floor.

“Pick those up,” he said.

She stood and walked in the direction of the pull cord, presumably to call a servant for the task. He took hold of her arm as she passed him. She glared at him and he returned her stare.

“You are stubborn and defiant.”

“If I am those things, it is my right to be so. You are my guardian, nothing more,” she said with a dismissive shrug. “What are you going to do? Make me stand in the corner?”

His fingers tightened around her upper arm. “Oh, there is plenty I can and will do. You have finally worn out my patience. Congratulations.”

He guided her back to the center of the room and stopped where the wads of newspaper littered the floor. “We will start with you cleaning up the mess you made.” He released his hold on her, then stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

She glanced at the offensive bits of rubbish on the floor, then her eyes met his. “I am Lady Natalia Waltham. According to you, I am meant to marry an influential lord. I do not do housework.”

“Well, we shall see about that.”

Zander had known Tallie for years and was quite familiar with her recalcitrant nature, but this display was the worst he had seen. He could not allow it to go any further, for her sake as well as his own.

Taking hold of her arm again, he led her to the large desk in the center of the room. He tipped her shoulders down until she leaned across the massive piece of furniture.

“What do you think you are doing?” Her head swiveled to the right and she stared at him.

“Teaching you a lesson.” His hand landed with a firm swat on the center of her heavily gowned derriere. Despite himself, his fingers lingered over the roundness of her buttocks for a delicious moment before he pulled back and swatted again.
