Page 20 of His Errant Ward

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Chapter Seven

As he studied her belovedface, a growl of hunger echoed from his stomach, which was so loud it startled him and made Tallie giggle.

“I believe you need some dinner, sir,” Tallie said, stretching and turning to look up at him.

“Yes, it appears I have worked up quite an appetite with you this evening.”

She giggled again and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tight. When his stomach made the same noise for a third time, Tallie made as if to move.

“Where do you think you are going?”

“To get you some food,” she said. “I wish to serve you.”

He gave her bottom a playful swat. “You stay here, I will see to our nourishment.”

When he returned a few minutes later with a tray of food he fully expected to find Tallie beneath the covers sound asleep.

Instead, Tallie was seated at a small table where she wore nothing at all.

“You did not take long,” she said as he set the tray down on the table in front of her.

“The cook often leaves a tray for me. She is aware of my habit of going out late at night and kindly leaves a bit of sup for me to have upon my return.”

He took the seat opposite Tallie and filled plates for the two of them, setting one in front of her.

They both tucked into their food and for a few moments there was no conversation. He really was quite famished.

When Tallie finished she dabbed the corners of her mouth with a napkin and then laid it upon her plate and looked up at him. “Thank you, I was surprisingly hungry. You have given me quite a workout this evening, sir.”

“We are just getting started, my dear. You will need your strength.”

Chapter Eight

He could not get enoughof her. He ought not to be surprised. In fact, he was not. He knew, but had tried to ignore, the simmering sexuality of his ward, the way her eyes flashed and her mouth quirked up at the corner when she issued a challenge. She loved a challenge, as did he.

It was her lust—for all things, not just physical satisfaction—that drew him to her. Made her stand out from all the other women he had ever met, here or abroad.

And yes, there had been many. He never imagined any single woman could tame the yearning in him.

But now he knew better.

Tallie. Only Tallie could calm the roaming beast inside his soul.
