Page 27 of His Errant Ward

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Taking a seat, Julia turned to Tallie. “Why, Tallie, I have no news to share.Youare the news. Whatever possessed you to whip Lord Banyon with your crop and shove him off his horse?”

Tallie gasped. “I did no such thing! Oh, I shall admit I told him, quite loudly and publicly, that I had no wish to marry him. And I believe I called him a boor, though in my defense, he is quite boorish. But I did not physically assault the man. Wherever did you hear such a thing?”

“Why, everyone is talking about it. I suspect there had been some exaggeration. I can scarce believe that the one afternoon I do not promenade in the park and I missed the biggest event of the season.” Julia shook her head, disappointed. Then she glanced at her hostess. “Oh, dear. I apologize. I am sure you do not find this as entertaining as I do. My dear Tallie, whatever came over you? And pray, what shall you do now? I assume the betrothal to Lord Banyon has ended? The whole town is abuzz with this story. I was afraid you might not see me, but I thank you for the honor. I do hope everything sorts itself out soon.” Julia paused to take a breath and a maid arrived with refreshments.

While she sipped her tea, Tallie considered all that Julia had said, which was a great amount, even by Julia’s standards. A knot formed in the pit of her stomach. Everyone was talking about her—and not in a flattering way.

Of course this was not completely unexpected, though a part of her had assumed what she had done was not really so shocking. Apparently she had misjudged society’s reaction.

No matter, she told herself. Zander had promised to sort things out as soon as he returned. He would take care of everything.

Julia finished her tea and when Tallie moved to refill her cup, Julia declined. “No, thank you, Tallie. I really must be going. Mother will have a fit if she knows I have been to see you.”

“Why, I thought your mother liked me,” Tallie said, taken aback.

“Affection is one thing, Tallie, scandal is quite another. You know Mother has it in her head for me to marry Lord Keaton and I am growing fond of that notion myself.”

“B-but, what has that to do with me?”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Tallie. Have you truly no concept of the kerfuffle you have created? This is no mere faux pas. You publicly rejected and shamed Lord Banyon in front of all of society. What were you thinking?”

“I-I was n-not thinking, other than that I did not wish to marry Lord Banyon.”

“He seems a suitable match to me,” Julia said, standing.

Suitable. There was that word again. If she heard it again, she would surely scream.

“I hope you will call upon me again soon,” Tallie said, clasping her friend’s hand and suddenly feeling quite alone.

Julia looked away and disengaged her hand. “I-I am sorry, Tallie, but I do not think it would do for me to be seen with you. I am ashamed to admit, but I came the back way between our homes and entered through the kitchen.”

“Oh,” Tallie said, falling back against the sofa.

“Please understand, Tallie. I still have great affection for you, but I have my own future to think about. And, if you do not mind me saying, I am very concerned about you. I have heard rumors about your family finances...” Her voice trailed off.

Well, this was a fine bit of rubbish. Tallie would not be pitied in her own home. Raising up to her full height, she fixed her eyes upon her guest. “You should not believe every rumor you hear, Julia. Good luck to you. I am sure you can find your way back to the kitchen and see yourself out.”

On shaking legs, Tallie exited the room, leaving Julia with her mouth hanging open. Keeping her head high and back straight, Tallie sought refuge in the first room she came to, Zander’s library. She closed the door and leaned against it until she heard Julia pass by, then she crumpled to the floor and sobbed.

Her reputation ruined. No husband. Possibly no money. And now, no friends.

And no Zander.

Pulling her knees up to her chin, she tucked her face into her skirts and let the tears flow. She had awoken filled with happiness and hope for the future and now, she did not know what to think.

She glanced at the clock on the mantel. He had been gone for hours. How much time did it take to chat up a ship captain?

The one ugly, horrible thought she had fought against made its way to the forefront of her mind. What if Zander had abandoned her too?

Scrubbing away the tears on her cheeks, she stood up and straightened her skirts. No, of course he had not abandoned her. She had it in his own handwriting that he would return.

Being in the library, which had been her father’s and was now Zander’s domain, gave her comfort. She moved to sit in his chair behind the large desk and recalled the time, just days ago, when he had bent her over the piece of furniture and swatted her bottom.

Of course he would return. For her.

Determined to stop her melancholy, she stood, intending to exit the room, but something on the desk caught her eye. Zander’s calendar was open and there, in his firm hand, she noted an entry for two days hence, or the day after what would have been her wedding to Lord Banyon.

The Night Princess departs morning tide.
