Page 37 of His Errant Ward

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Several months later

Tallie sat upon the veranda of the home she and Zander shared, her face tipped up toward the sun as the warm tropical air blew through her hair.

“I see you are missing the dreary London weather again today,” Zander said as he joined her, stopping to drop a kiss on her forehead before taking his seat across the table from her. They enjoyed tea outdoors every afternoon, weather permitting. So far, there had not been any days when the weather did not permit, which Tallie considered a sign that she truly was in paradise.

Not that being the well-loved wife of Zander Thwaite was not sufficiently close to paradise, but endless sunshine, balmy breezes, and an exotic locale only made things that much more splendid as far as she was concerned.

“I cannot believe I survived as long as I did in all that cold and rain. And you stayed there when you knew a location such as this existed. How was that possible?”

“As I recall, I was tasked with the care of a most stubborn and unpredictable ward.”

“Oh, dear. I wonder how she turned out,” Tallie said with a saucy smile.

“She continues to be stubborn and unpredictable, but that is what I love about her most.”


The End
