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At the same time, Alvaro pulls out a gun and aims it at Via. She freezes, the color fading from her cheeks.

Alvaro rises slowly to his feet. He turns to me, his gun still trained on Via. “If I were you, I wouldn’t do anything rash."

"Let her go," I say through gritted teeth.

"No can do, I have plans for her. As for you? I can’t decide if it’s stupidity that made you come through the door unarmed, or is it true love that made you walk in here? You’re making my revenge plan seem ridiculously easy.”

I force myself to relax. I need to keep my wits about me if I want to save her. I square my shoulders. "You have me. You can use me to get to my brothers. The Don will give you anything you ask for in exchange. I’m the one you need; she’s of no value to you."

"But she is… to you."

My guts twist, and the hot sensation in my chest intensifies until it feels like it’s consuming me from the inside. The muscles in my forearms spasm. I curl my fingers into fists, and the barrel of the gun in my side is shoved deeper, until pain radiates out from the point of contact.

His lips kick up, he closes the distance to her, and I growl. "Don’t you fucking touch her," I say through gritted teeth.

His grin widens. He wraps his arm around her waist, yanks her to him, then places the gun at her temple.

"One wrong move, and I’ll shoot her," he drawls.

Her throat moves as she swallows, her gaze locked on mine. A bead of sweat slides down her temple, but she manages to keep the terror she must be experiencing off her face.

Good girl. Hang in there, baby. Just a little while longer. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.

With my eyes, I try to convey my thoughts to her. I must succeed, for her forehead smoothes out. She stands perfectly still.

With a last look at her, I raise my gaze to Alvaro. "Why don’t you put down the gun so we can fight this out? One on one."

He tilts his head. "Not falling for that," he says in a pleasant voice.

"Scared I’ll get the better of you? Clearly, I’m in better shape than you. And now that you’ve lost a finger, you must know that you have no chance of winning in hand-to-hand combat."

His jaw hardens. "I am well aware this is a delaying tactic. No doubt, you have reinforcements on the way? You should know that, as we speak, my men are moving in on yours. Not only do we have the element of surprise on our side, but your team is sadly outnumbered."

Motherfucker!My leg muscles tighten, my fingers tingle, and what I wouldn’t give to bury my fist in his face. If only I could get him to engage with me. If I could get his attention away from her. If I could get him to agree to a fight and buy more time for our plan to be set in motion.

"In which case, you have nothing to lose by agreeing to a fight. Not only would your men overpower mine, but you’d have the satisfaction of defeating me."

"Oh, I have no doubt of that. Even injured as I am, I could defeat you, with ease," he boasts.

"Then lower your gun and let’s spar. If you defeat me, I won’t resist you again."

She draws in a sharp breath. Tension radiates off of her body. I avoid looking at her, because if I do, I’ll be lost. If I take in the expression in those green eyes, I’ll never be able to go through with what I have in mind. Worse, I won't be able to contain my anger anymore. More than likely, I’ll make a move which will end with the two of us getting hurt. No, I need to steel myself and see this through.

"What do you say? If I lose, you get to keep her."

Her gaze bores into me, but I refuse to meet her eyes.

His lips curl. "I already have her."

"And you’ll have the satisfaction of having beaten me, as well."

He hesitates.

"Three rounds, that’s all I’m asking for."

He appears to think for a few seconds, then jerks his chin. The man behind me lowers his gun and steps back.

Alvaro releases her. He walks over to the chair where he’d been sitting, and places his gun on it.
