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"Careful. You know what they say: when you’re least looking for it, love finds you."

"As for me? The only four-letter word I’m acquainted with doesn’t begin with an L, I assure you," he counters.

"Moving on swiftly.” I cough. “I assume this Peter guy is one of yours?"

"Indeed. And I have guards posted outside Massimo’s door, too. Peter will take you there. Hand the phone over to him, will you?”

"Thanks for everything, JJ." I hand the phone over to Peter who listens to whatever JJ has to say, then nods.

He disconnects the call and indicates I should precede him. He walks me to the elevator, takes me one floor up, and guides me down the corridor to Massimo’s room.

I push the door open and peek inside to find him stretched out on the bed. His eyes are shut, his color pale. The darkness of his skin contrasts with the white sheets that surround him. I slip inside the room, ensuring the door closes quietly behind me. I pad over to the bed and survey him. His chest rises and falls, and the white of a bandage peeps around the hospital gown they’ve draped over him. On the other side, the black ink of his tattoo is visible from under the neckline. I pull over a chair and lower myself into it, then take his hand in mine. I place my head on the pillow next to his. The next thing I know, a whispered touch on my cheek has me snapping my eyes open.

His gray eyes—now almost colorless again—hold mine. I stare into their depths, allowing myself to get lost in the brilliance there.

"Hey." He cups my cheek.

"Hey..." I clear my throat. "How are you feeling?"

"How areyoufeeling?" he counters.

I can’t stop the smile that curves my lips. "I guess you must be fine if you’re answering my question with a question."

His lips twitch. "Seriously, though, are you okay?"

I glance down to where my fingers are still twined with his. "Never better. But when I saw you lying on the floor, I freaked out for a second."

"Sorry about that." He drags his thumb across the underside of my mouth. "JJ came just in time. I pushed you out the door, then turned, with every intention of firing and getting shot, but before I could pull my trigger, JJ burst in from the other side with his team. They took down every single man, except for that bastard who was leading them. I pumped every last bullet of mine into him, but that took the last of my strength, and my legs gave out from under me. I must have lost consciousness for a few minutes."

"If anything had happened to you—" my voice breaks. I clear my throat and try again, "If anything had happened to you, I’m not sure how I could have gone on. I wouldn’t have been able to bear it, Massimo, truly. I thought I had lost you." A ball of emotion clogs my throat, and my heart somersaults in my chest. A heavy anchor weighs down my belly. "I can’t live without you, Massimo. I can’t."

He places his finger over my lips. "Shh, I’m here, baby. I am not going anywhere. From the moment I saw you, I knew our futures were intertwined. I knew you were exactly what I needed in my life. Knew, without a doubt, that you were my today and all of my tomorrows. That my yesterdays were nothing more than a blur of darkness until I met you."

"Oh." Heat sears my cheeks. "That is… so romantic."

He chuckles. "I’m only just getting started." He pulls me even closer. I lean my weight on him, and he groans.

"Oh, god, sorry, you’re hurt. I shouldn’t have—" I try to move away, but he holds me in place.

"You absolutely should." He peers deeply into my eyes. "Surely, it’s the entire universe that conspired for us to meet. When I’m with you is the only time I feel like myself. When I’m with you, I love what I become. I love you."



"What?" She blinks. "What did you say?"

"I love you, Olivia. My wife, my heart, my true self. Meeting you made me realize what I was missing in my life. You’re a mirror for my desires, the book of my passions written to bring my deepest yearning to life... The reflection of everything I was seeking, only I wasn’t aware of it, until I met you. What I feel for you is bigger than myself, more significant than anything I’ve encountered before, or will encounter again. I saw you and realized every step I’ve taken in my life was a step closer to finding you. Everything I’ve done so far has pushed me toward you. You were my true north, and I didn’t even realize it."

Her face pales. "What are you saying?"

"That you are magnificent. You were created for me. Since I met you, there hasn’t been a time when I’m not thinking of you. I love you, and everything about you. I love your fiery nature, your ambition, your focus on making something of yourself, how you’re loyal to your family, despite the fact they’ve never recognized your talents, how you’d do anything to protect your sister, even turn your back on your true love."

"You don’t mean it." Her chest rises and falls.

"I do." I bring her fingers to my lips and kiss them. "You are my every hope and dream, every thought I’ve ever had. Iambecause of you, Via."

"Stop." She tries to pull away, and this time, I release her. She jumps up and begins to pace. "You’re confusing me, Massimo."

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