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Talking it out with Declan confirmed one thing. Basically, I’m fucked, any which way I look at it. The best option is to get through this dinner and split town. Leave and return to waitressing, and to the endless rounds of auditions. Neither of which appeal to me. What the hell has happened to me? Surely, I’m not going to let the fact that I’m scarred hold me back from embracing my ambitions?

Declan promised to put me in touch with his manager, who he thinks would be a great fit for me, but even that doesn’t make me as excited as I should be. It seems, along with scarring my face, I’ve scarred the dreams I may have once had for myself. Maybe hurting my face ripped off the mask hiding the shallowness of the industry I’d wanted to belong to.

Massimo texted me the address for the restaurant, and I pause in front of it now. It was a business-like text. The address and time of the dinner reservation, that’s all. This is just a dinner. I have to go in, eat, leave… Weather Massimo’s glower, and his anger, which will surely be directed at me. Not to mention, all the unsaid conversations lurking between me and my sister. This is going to be fun… not. I hunch my shoulders.

"Hey, you’re going to be great." Declan presses his palm into the small of my back. "You look amazing, and remember, you’re an actress. You can pull this off without effort."

I chuckle. "Yea, I’m a professional liar. It’s easier to act on screen than in real life, know what I mean?"

"Not if you put on your movie star persona before you flounce in there. That’s acting 101, or have you forgotten?"

It’s true. If you walk the walk, and talk the talk, you become the talk. Or so someone said. I draw in a breath, snap back my shoulders, and take a step forward with Declan on my heels. The hostess ushers us to a table at the far end of the restaurant—a Michelin-starred one. Nothing but the best for him, of course.

As I approach, I notice Massimo has his head bent over Solene’s. My sister’s fair, blonde looks, set off his dark, swarthy ones to perfection. He’s dressed in a dark jacket and black shirt that stretch across his wide shoulders. She has her hair coiffured to perfection and is wearing a pale pink dress with a demure neckline. She places her pink-tipped fingers on his shoulder, and he laughs at something she says.

My heart twists, and my stomach churns. I pause so suddenly, Declan bumps into me from behind. "Steady," he whispers in my ear. He wraps his fingers around my wrist and walks forward. As he approaches the table, Massimo looks up. His gaze clashes with mine—storm clouds looming on the horizon, waves rising up to drag me down. I’m drowning. Sinking fast, and not sure how to save myself.

Then my sister jumps up. "Livvy, you look beautiful," she bursts out.

"And you look angelic." I move around, and taking my sister by her shoulders, kiss her on both cheeks.

"This must be your sister," Declan says from behind me.

I take a step back, and still holding my sister’s hand, turn to him. "This is my sister Solene. Solene, this is Declan, my—"

"You’re Declan Beauchamp, the movie star. Livvy, why didn’t you tell me your fiancé was someone famous?" She tugs her hand from mine, and holds it out in his direction.

He takes her hand in his, his gaze riveted by her features.

Solene’s features flush. She swallows and stares at him like she can’t believe he’s really standing in front of her.

Declan chuckles, then kisses her fingers. "At your service."

Solene blushes. Declan’s gaze intensifies.

I clear my throat and she blinks. Declan releases her hand with reluctance, then turns to Massimo.

"You must be the lucky man."

Massimo ignores his proffered hand. "I still don’t see a ring." He directs the comment to me.

I nudge Declan, who tears his gaze off of Solene with great reluctance. "Uh, yeah, we don’t believe in a ring to be engaged, do we now, darling?" he murmurs.

Massimo’s gaze narrows. “I thought you said your ring was being resized?”

“Eh?” Declan blinks rapidly.

I nudge him with my elbow and he coughs. “That’s what I meant. The ring is being resized. But whether she’s wearing a ring or not is not the point. We don’t need it to proclaim the veracity of our love, do we now, darlin’?”

“Exactly what I meant, darling.” I wrap my hand around Declan’s bicep, then meet Massimo’s gaze.

Massimo glances down at where I clutch at Declan. His jaw hardens. He looks up at me and his blue-gray eyes darken until they resemble black holes of anger. Meanwhile, my sister hasn’t taken her gaze off Declan, who, by the way, is sneaking a sideways glance at her, as well. Oh shoot, this wasn’t a good idea, was it?

I gesture toward the chairs. "Let’s all sit down, shall we?"

Twenty minutes later, I know for a fact this was a bad idea. Since we arrived, Massimo hasn’t spoken a word, except to glower in my direction. Solene hasn’t stopped staring and Declan, who seems to have forgotten all about me, is focused on Solene. He’s topped up her wine, ordered her food, and snarled at a waiter who came too close to her while setting down her plate.

As for me, I gave up trying to hold a one-sided conversion with the rest of them and have my attention focused on the food, which might be delicious, but I wouldn’t know because I haven’t tasted a morsel. I’ve managed to swallow a few mouthfuls. I reach for the wine and drain it. A waiter appears next to my elbow to refill it. Massimo glares at him. He pales, places the bottle on the table, and backs away. Massimo grabs the bottle and fills my glass. I pick it up and drain half the contents. The liquor hits my stomach and sends a warm buzz pulsing through my veins.
