Page 63 of The D Appointment

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“Oh my God,” Mara said to me. “You broke her.”

“Gina, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put any blame on you. This is all Dominick’s fault. He’s a grown-ass man who knows better. I mean, he didn’t even try to hide it.”

What kind of guy had his girlfriend come out of the bedroom in front of the other woman? And what did that say about the other woman who believed him when he said he didn’t have a girlfriend?

I was just as much to blame.

Mara’s panicked look turned to one of confusion. She wrinkled her nose. “Dominick? Gina’s not dating Dominick. She’s dating Tony.”



Hold up.

“Who’s Tony?” I asked, completely dumbfounded.

“Gina’s boyfriend,” Mara said as if I was a complete moron.

Gina finally calmed down enough to be able to speak even though she was still laughing. “Tony is Dominick’s friend.”

“But…I saw you and Dominick together at a restaurant two months ago. And he had turned me down because he had plans.”Did I imagine the whole thing?

Gina’s eyes slowly widened. “Oh shit. Was this a while back when you got all snotty with me?”

I lifted a shoulder. “Well, I wouldn’t say snotty. I might have been…a little short-tempered,” I admitted.

“You were not fun to be around,” Mara said.

“Thank you, Mara. That was very helpful,” I said in a flat tone.

She lifted her hands up. “I was just sayin’.”

“I don’t know what you saw, butTonyand I went out to eat with Dominick before we all went to a concert together. At the restaurant, Tony had stopped to look at something on his tire because he’s obsessed with his car.” Gina rolled her eyes. “But he was right behind us. You would have seen him if you had stuck around for a few seconds longer.”

A memory resurfaced of me literally running into a man on my way out of the restaurant and thinking he looked familiar, but being too focused on getting home, I’d forgotten about it.

“Oh crap.” I pulled out a chair at the nearest table, fell into it, and put my head in my hands.

There was a possibility I had entirely fucked up.

I was a lawyer. Innocent until proven guilty was kind of our motto, and here, I had jumped to conclusions about Dominick and Gina without seeing all the evidence.

“I’m still shocked Dominick had unprotected sex with you. That man has condoms stashed everywhere. You must be important or something.”

I barely heard Gina’s remark because I was thinking about yesterday morning.

Still confused, I leaned back in my chair. “But what about yesterday morning? You had obviously slept over.”

“Tonyand I slept over. We’d come over the night before and had a little too much to drink, so we crashed in Dominick’s guest room.” Gina laughed. “Tony does exist, I swear.”

“I know. I kind of met him.”

“You met him?” Gina howled with laughter. “Wait until I tell Dominick this. If he loses the custody hearing, at least he’ll have this to brighten his day.”

I flew up from my seat so fast that the chair skidded backward. “Shit. The hearing. I have to go.” I ran for the door but paused before turning the corner. “And please don’t tell him about this. I’m embarrassed enough as it is.”

Gina nodded and waved, so I hurried away.
