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“Because I want to kiss you again,” I murmur and my voice doesn’t sound like my own. It’s a soft whisper of desire that grows to a yell as my body calls out to reach for him and that’s exactly what I do.

I don’t know who makes the first move, but suddenly we’re flush against each other, the warmth of our bodies heating my already sensitive skin. Jack backs me up against the wall behind us and my heart begins beating so hard I’m practically certain it will rip through my chest.

I had no idea that a second kiss could elicit this response, that it could possibly be even better than the first. The lead up is intense and all consuming, and we’re suspended in nothing, like we’re the only people in the world.

“Jack? What are you doing? I ask, my words coming out breathy and hoarse.

“Exactly what you want,” he whispers against my mouth as he clutches the back of my neck and pulls my mouth to his.

My lips part and I run the tip of my tongue along his bottom lip and Jack moans into my mouth. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, I pull him closer to me until there isn’t a centimeter of breathing room between us.

My hands trail under his shirt, exploring every inch of hard muscle until I reach the fast rhythm of his heartbeat, and I let my hand rest over it.

He slides his knee between my thighs as I slip my tongue into his mouth, tasting him; the taste of red wine and mixed with the way he smells makes me lose myself in our kiss.

He consumes me until the patter of little feet cuts through like a gunshot in a silent room.

And then comes “Aunt Lulu,” muttered by the sleepy voice of a seven-year-old.

Chapter Thirteen


Lu and I both freeze.

I’ve got one hand on the back of her neck and one hand on her hip, holding her against me. She’s got both hands under my shirt and I swear if we were alone right now, neither of us would be wearing clothes anymore.

She pulls back a little, turning her head toward Ollie, so her ear is now against my mouth. “I think we’re busted,” I whisper. Short of being naked, we’re in a pretty compromising position right now.

“What’s up, Ollie,” she says, pulling her hands from under my shirt, her fingers trailing over my skin and sending shivers up my spine.

“I’m sleepy,” she replies, rubbing her eyes.

I take a step back and Lu crouches down to face her niece. “You want me to put you to bed?” she asks.

Ollie shakes her head. “Jack,” she mumbles, pointing up at me.

I grin, bending down to pick her up. “Come on, Ollie,” I say, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, before glancing at Lu.

“Spare room,” she says, pointing toward a closed door.

I nod before carrying Ollie in there and gently putting her to bed.

“What were you and Aunt Lulu doing?” she asks, even as she rolls over, her eyes closing.

I ruffle her hair a little as I pull the blankets up. “Just talking, Ol,” I whisper. “Go to sleep.”

When I walk out, I find Lu draping a blanket over Oscar as he lies fast asleep on the couch.

“Want me to carry him to bed too?” I ask, standing in the doorway.

She looks up and shakes her head. “He can stay here,” she whispers.

I nod and we stare wordlessly at each other as though neither of us wants to suggest what happens next. I know I can’t stay though, not when the kids are here and from the look on Lu’s face, she knows that too.

“I should probably go,” I eventually say.

Lu nods and stands, walking around the couch and following me to the front door. We both step out onto the porch, the coolness of the evening doing nothing to calm the heat that’s still raging through my body. Lulu motions to the door with her thumb out.
