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“I guess I’ll…”

I turn, cutting her off as I press my mouth against hers in a hard kiss. Lu moans, her body folding into mine as I slide my arms around her back and pull her against me. Our mouths fuse together, tongues entwined, our lips and teeth hungry for more, neither of us wanting to stop what we started back in the hall outside the bathroom.

“Your niece and nephew are great,” I murmur between kisses. “But their timing really sucks.”

“I’m sorry,” she breathes out, pulling back a little, her fingers digging into my back.

“Don’t be,” I murmur. “But have dinner with me tomorrow night?” I whisper, my forehead against hers. “Just you and me?”

Lu nods, biting her bottom lip as her eyes find mine and she understands the full implication of everything I’m saying to her, all the unspoken things that we both know could happen the second we find ourselves alone again.

At this point it feels inevitable and something we both want to happen. God knows, it’s hard enough controlling myself now, but I know when it finally does, I want there to be zero chance of interruption—from anyone.

I grin, pressing my lips against hers in a soft kiss before murmuring, “Goodnight, beautiful,” and turning and walking down the stairs.

The next morning, I head up to the shed early and continue to work on cleaning out the crusher while I wait for Lu to appear. By mid-morning, there’s no sign of her so I wander over to her office.

I find her standing over her desk, her back to the door as she studies something intently. She doesn’t hear me as I walk in, doesn’t sense me behind her as I press a kiss to the back of her neck and slide one hand over her hip and across her stomach.

“Shit,” she says, jumping as she turns to face me.

I grin. “You being weird again, Lu?” I ask, kissing the end of her nose.

Her eyes dart around the room as though she’s terrified of someone seeing us. “No,” she finally says, still not looking at me.

I duck down, slide two fingers under her chin and tilt it up so she’s forced to look at me. “Yeah, you are,” I say grinning.

She swallows hard, her tongue slipping out to lick her lips and it’s enough that I can’t stop myself as I lean in and suck her bottom lip into my mouth.

“Jack,” she whispers, hands on my chest as though to push me away. She doesn’t though and I smile against her mouth as I deepen the kiss.

She pushes me away now though, her eyes wide as a slight flush rises over her cheeks. I slide my fingers up her neck, brushing them across her jaw as I move my hand from her stomach and slip it into the pocket of her jeans and pull her closer.

“Aunt Lulu,” comes Oscar’s voice as he strolls into the office.

“Fuuuck,” I mutter, stepping backward. “Hey, little dude,” I say, turning to grin at him as I offer him my hand.

He eyes us warily, his gaze flicking from me to Lu and back to me again. Eventually he holds out his hand and takes us through our routine before he says, “What’s happening?”

“Nothing, Oscar,” Lu cuts in, her voice shaky. “Jack was just here to pick up the list of jobs that I need done,” she says, scrambling for a piece of paper on her desk. “These are the priorities,” she says, handing it to me. “Let me know if you need anything.”

My smile widens, as I look back at her, watching as that flush now deepens. “Oh, I will, Lu,” I murmur, winking at her. “I will.”

Then I turn, and placing a hand on Oscar’s shoulder, I say. “Come on dude, you’re with me,” before we walk out.

I spend the rest of the day doing random jobs around the property, Oscar occasionally trying to help out, but more often than not, wandering off when he gets bored.

There’s more than enough work to keep me occupied for several weeks, if not longer, and even though it’s not wine making, which is my true passion, I find myself not minding. I like the idea of helping Lu out and as I spend several hours restringing a row of grape vines, my thoughts consumed with wondering what it would be like to do this indefinitely.

I don’t want to give up wine making, but this is a vineyard, so it’s not like I’d have to. I’d even keep doing odd jobs around the place to help out if Lu would give me a shot at making some of their wines.

I know the current guy she uses and while I think he’s more than capable of continuing to produce the stuff they are known for, I also know there’s more potential they could tap into.

And maybe I’m the person to show her that.

Eventually, I finish up and head over to the restaurant to organize some things for tonight before heading back home to take a run. Before I go, I send a quick text.

Me: I’ll pick you up at 7
