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He raises an eyebrow as if to say who else would it be and I immediately want to punch the guy in the face. Instead, I pull my phone from my pocket, scrolling through to the company’s contact details and hitting the green dial button.

Tommy stares at me as I explain the situation, the woman on the other end looking up the order before she finally explains that two parts are still on back-order and won’t be shipped for another four weeks. Thanking her, I hang up the phone, sliding it back into my pocket and turning back to Tommy.

“So, as I said, I didn’t forget.”

He shrugs again, before turning back to whatever he was doing.

“What the fuck is your problem with me?” I ask.

“What are you talking about?”

“The attitude,” I say, motioning to him. “The bullshit about me not knowing what I ordered.”

Tommy glances around, shaking his head as though he has no idea what I’m talking about.

“You hate the fact I’m here, don’t you?” I tell him.

“No,” he says, a little too defensively.

I nod. “Yeah, you do,” I say. “And I think you really hate the fact that Lu and I are close.”

Tommy stiffens now, taking a step toward me as he says in a low voice, “You hurt her and I will hurt you.” I laugh at his words, but he gets right in my face and continues. “I mean it, Jack,” he says. “She doesn’t need any more shit, okay?”

I’ve got no idea what the hell he’s talking about, but I’ll be damned if he’s gonna tell me what I can and can’t do, especially when he thinks one of those things is hurting Lu.

“Lu and me is none of your business,” I say. “So stay the fuck out of it.”

Then I turn and walk out of the shed, forcing myself to calm down as I head down to the office so I can tell Lu about the delay with the parts.

Chapter Sixteen


Jack comes storming into my office, his face flushed and his hands clenched in fists at his side. He practically whips the door off its hinges as he lets out a mumbled string of swear words.

I stop and look up from my computer, a pen between my teeth as I watch Jack drag a hand through his already disheveled blonde hair and exhale hard.

“You okay?” I ask, chewing on the pen cap.

“So two of the parts for the crusher are delayed and you know what, that dick Tommy tried to blame me. Claimed I didn’t order them.”

I smirk at him, the pen still between my teeth as I shake my head a little. “You’re here to tattle on Tommy?”

“No,” Jack snaps, his tone defensive as he looks at me with his hands on his hips.

I stand up and walk over to where Jack is standing, hooking my finger into the front of his jeans and pulling him toward me.

“What’s got you so worked up?” I ask, smiling against his mouth as I press small kisses to his lips. “The fact that the parts are delayed or that someone questioned your competency?”

I slide my hands under his t-shirt, feeling his body relax against mine as I kiss my way along his jawline until I reach his ear. “I wouldn’t worry too much,” I murmur in his ear. “You’re…

“Lauren!” I hear Penny call as her feet plod against the floor toward my office.

I shove Jack away and lean against my desk awkwardly, trying to look natural. Jack’s face is still flushed but this time for a different reason. We look guilty as hell.

Penny walks in without knocking, not like she ever would’ve knocked in the past, and starts talking immediately.

“We’re running really low on the cab so I pulled it from the tasting menu and I’m going to talk with…” She doesn’t finish her thought as she takes in my awkwardness and Jack’s presence.
