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“You okay?” she asks, her forehead wrinkling up at her question as she looks at me and then at Jack and back again.

“Mmmhmm,” I mumble, nodding my head.

“Just letting Lu know some of the parts are going to be arriving later than planned,” Jack says seemingly out of nowhere, his voice cutting through the silence I’ve left floating in the room.

“Then I’ll definitely let the restaurant know to pull the cab from the menu there too,” Penny says, smiling at Jack, but her smile screams that she knows something is up. “I’ll be going now, so whatever it was that was going on here,” she flits a hand between us, “can continue.”

She closes the door behind her and as soon as she does Jack is on me like white on rice.

“What’s the big secret, Lulu?” he asks, his mouth now close to my lips, smiling and sending a wave of shivers up my spine.

“No secret.”

“You’re lying, but that’s okay. I’m kinda enjoying this cheeky sneaking around thing. But I get it, you gotta keep up theI hate Jackpersona you’ve taken so long to expertly cultivate.”

I laugh, putting my hands on his chest and shoving him a little, but he grabs my wrists and pulls me closer.

“I’m glad the parts are on the slow boat from Oz,” I comment back, and Jack laughs.

“Slow boat?”

“Your shipping systems suck. It’s slow as hell. Anytime we order stuff from there we have to give like six weeks for it to get here. But in this case, the longer it takes to get here, the longer you have to stay.”

I smile up at him, his blue eyes look down at me, but he doesn’t return my smile and I pull back slightly.

“That’s not the only reason I’m still here,” Jack says, his tone now serious. “Anyone could install these parts and you know that. I’m here because I want to be with you.”

“Okay,” I respond, but it’s not what he’s looking for. It’s only been a few weeks since his arrival, but I understand what he’s saying. The connection between us is even stronger than it was when we were kids. It’s intense and consuming and I do wonder if that’s only because we know this whole thing has an end date.

“I’m serious, Lu,” he asserts and I nod my head. I want to tell him I feel the same way, that I understand he’d be here regardless, but the words won’t come.

“I know, Jack.” I put my hands on either side of his face and kiss him, because maybe the feelings in my kiss will explain everything I can’t say out loud.

Jack spends the day working through his to-do list, our paths crossing every so often, but most of the time Oscar or Olivia are stuck to him like glue. I don’t think I’m the only one who is enjoying Jack’s time here.

My heart tightens in my chest. Australia is a long way from California, fourteen and a half hours by plane to be exact, and that’s just to Sydney. I’m not going to be the only one with a broken heart when he finally leaves.

By the time the evening arrives, I’ve spent most of the day trying to arrange deliveries with our co-packer, hoping to get as many bottles of our cab in by the time tourist season is in full swing in August. It’s still early June, but a good wine can’t be rushed. Unfortunately, in this case, it will have to be rushed.

Ellen and I are discussing the likelihood of our customers realizing the change when Will walks into my house with the twins.

They’re all here for dinner since Ellen ended up working late and we’ve got pizzas ordered.

“Where’s Jack?” Olivia asks, looking around the room, her hands on her hips, like he’s become a staple in my house.

“I don’t know,” I reply back, reaching over and flipping her ponytail as she hugs me tightly, squeezing my waist.

“Why don’t you invite him over?” Ellen suggests. “We have plenty of pizza and I’m sure he’d rather not spend the evening alone.”

“I’ll go ask him,” Oscar offers, and before I can say anything, he’s scampering out the door and across the grass to the cottage next door.

Moments later Oscar returns with Jack in tow, but Jack looks a little sheepish as he follows Oscar in.

“My mate here invited me for dinner, but I wasn’t sure if it was him inviting me or…” Jack trails off when he sees everyone in my kitchen staring back at him.

“Of course you’re welcome,” Ellen says without missing a beat. “Jack, this is my husband Will. Will, this is Jack. He’s the guy I’ve been telling you about. He’s finally going to fix our crusher.” Ellen gives Will a funny look that suggests this isn’t the only thing she’s been telling him.

And from the look on Will’s face, I’m guessing he knows exactly who Jack is too. The first time I ever met Will was just after Jack had left, he knows exactly who he is.

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