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“Here,” she says, handing it back to me.

I roll onto my side, prop myself up on an elbow as I run my hand down her spine. “Read it to me.”

Lu looks back over her shoulder at me, a heated look in her eyes as she considers my request. Not taking my eyes off hers, I lean in and press a kiss to her shoulder before gently biting it, loving the mark I leave on her.

She swallows hard and looks away, unfolding the paper. “Dear Jack,” she starts, groaning as I run my fingers down her spine again, before dipping them between her legs.

“I like the start of this already,” I whisper, sucking on her neck.

“Jack,” she says, her warning tone lost in the husky moan she lets out.

“What?” I ask, feigning innocence.

“You’re distracting me,” she murmurs.

“Sorry,” I lie, running my fingers back up her spine. “Continue.”

She shakes her head a little before turning back to the letter. “Dear Jack,” she repeats. “I hope you made it back to Australia okay. It’s been very quiet and peaceful here since you left.”

I can’t help but chuckle, scooting closer so my body is pressed against hers. “So much animosity,” I whisper, sucking on her ear lobe.

Lu moans again, low and sexy, even as she tries to continue. “I still haven’t forgiven you for the mud thing,” she adds, making me laugh against her skin even as I kiss my way down her spine this time. “Or the million other things you did to annoy me while you were here.”

I slip my hand back between her legs, my mouth lingering at the base of her spine where I press a soft kiss to her arse before gently biting it. Lu sighs, her legs widening a little as though to encourage me.

“Nobody here misses you, in case you were wondering,” she continues, her words breathless and husky as I slide a finger inside her. “I hope your friends in Australia were at least happy to see you again,” she adds, pushing herself against me. “Anyway, feel free to write back, if you want. From Lauren.”

I run my tongue up her spine now, smiling as her head falls onto the pillow. “So obvious you fancied me,” I whisper, my mouth at her ear.

Lu groans, turning her head toward mine. “Is that right?” she says. “You want me to read another one?”

I smile against her mouth. “Nah,” I murmur, rolling my body onto hers. “I think I’ve got a better idea.”

The next morning, Lu and I wake early, fooling around for an hour or so without any interruptions from the kids this time. Everything about it, sharing her bed, waking up with her or just having coffee together in her kitchen feels so perfectly normal, I know that the longer I stay, the harder it’s going to be to leave.

Once again, I’m plagued with conflicted thoughts on what I’m going to do with my life. With wanting to keep this thing between us going, but confused with how the hell I’m going to find a way to stay when I have so many things going on back in Oz that I can’t just simply walk away from.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Lu asks, half reading my mind.

I smile at her, sitting across from me at the kitchen island, her wet hair pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head. “I’m going to sort out the barrel room,” I say, taking a sip of coffee. “Make sure the rotation is correct, check all the barrels are still useable.”

Lu smiles at me, lowering her mug. “I really appreciate you helping us out like this,” she says. “I know it’s not really your job.”

I return the smile. “It’s all good, Lu,” I tell her. “I like helping you out, seriously.”

She swallows. “Well, I was wondering…”

Her words are cut off by the front door flying open and Oscar and Oliva running inside, their chorus of, “Aunt Lulu,” echoing down the hall to the kitchen.

I grin, even as Lu shakes her head and mutters something about needing to keep her front door locked. The sound of pounding feet comes at us and before long, both kids materialize in the kitchen, their wide eyes looking from Lu to me and back to Lu again.

“Morning,” I say, lifting my mug in salute.

“What are you doing here?” Ollie asks, hands on her hips.

I chuckle, shooting Lu a quick glance before turning back to Ollie. “And what are you, the Spanish Inquisition?”

“The what?” she says, head cocked to the side.
