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Instead of quietly waiting for him I decide to do something fun in return. I had already opened a bottle of wine to have at dinner and it’s currently sitting on the counter breathing.

I grab two glasses, filling them about half way and then proceed to set up my phone to capture what I’m about to do. As ridiculous as I know it is, Jack will get a kick out of it.

I strip off my t-shirt and bra, tossing them over the island trying to land them near my bedroom door. I grab the two glasses, position them in front of my boobs as I sit down on a stool at my island and then I hit the timer on the camera.

I’m poised and ready, a cheeky smile on my face as the camera starts to beep notifying me as to when it will snap the picture when Ellen’s voice rings out loud and clear through my house.

“Hey! Oscar forgot his iPad,” she calls out as the front door slams, and there’s that damn iPad sitting just inches from where my supposedly sexy picture is about to be taken.

My house isn’t big and it will take her maybe ten steps before she reaches my kitchen and my damn t-shirt and bra are a solid twenty steps from me.

Why the hell did I send them flying across the room like that?

I reach for the first thing I can get my hands on, a dishtowel that’s draped over the sink to dry, and I slap it in front of my naked boobs just as Ellen walks into the kitchen.

She dead stops in her tracks to find me standing in my kitchen with no shirt on and a damp dishtowel covering me.

My eyes are wide as if I’m a deer caught in the headlights of a car heading straight for it. I can’t move.

I’m the stupid deer.

Neither of us says anything until the damn camera clicks at the most inopportune time and my face feels like it did when I fell asleep in a tanning bed circa 2001 and burned like the fire of a thousand suns.

Right now I’m pretty sure I’d take the tanning bed burn over this any day.

“I don’t even want to know,” Ellen says, grabbing the iPad from the island and holding her other hand up as she turns her head away from me. “Back to whatever it is that you were doing. I’ll be going now.”

I listen for the front door to close and I collapse onto the counter, my arms covering my head, as I lay there mortified by what just happened and hoping the coolness of the quartz countertop will soothe my burning and humiliated ego.

I’ve gotta start locking my doors.

After I’ve recovered from the embarrassment, which I know will not fade as quickly I would like it to because Ellen will never let me live this down, I grab my phone and look at what my camera did capture.

It’s a beautiful shot of my belly button and the bottom of a dirty dishtowel. It’s definitely not what I was going for and there’s not a chance in hell I’m going to try to recreate it now.

I guess sexy wine-related pictures are not my thing.

I wake up the next morning with Jack’s warm body pressed against mine. Despite showering last night, he has this amazing sweet smell of grapes mixed with cedar and I press my lips to his bare chest.

I have no idea what time it is and I don’t bother looking. It’s a rare occurrence for me to sleep in and forego work, but I own the place and I need to start doing it more often. I hire people to make sure things go smoothly and I’m entitled to a morning off every now and then.

Jack stirs a little and lets out a low moan, sliding his hands down my body. I kiss my way down his chest, placing kisses on his well-defined muscular stomach as I lead my way down a little farther.

He’s more than ready and I wet my lips, my arousal as ready for him as he is for me. Jack pushes the sheets back and I look up at him as I slip my mouth around him. He moans and it makes me weak, I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.

There’s something between us, something unspoken and intense. I felt it the day he walked back into my life, something I mistook for hatred has built into a deep intense desire and need for each other.

“Lu,” Jack moans, his words husky, his voice deep as he slips his fingers through my hair. “I need you.” But I don’t stop, my mouth sliding over him until his hands guide me back up his body.

It’s now Jack who begins to explore my body as I lay stretched out on the bed, his mouth finding every sensitive spot, my body so responsive to his touch. It feels like every part of me is screaming for him to touch me, for him to be inside me.

He’s slow and deliberate, his fingers finding me, working in and out until I feel like everything around me is going to shatter into a million pieces. I can’t hold out any longer.

“Please, Jack,” I beg, my words a desperate plea. “I need to feel you…” And before I can finish my sentence his hands cup my face and he slides inside me in one movement. Both of us gasping in unison at the sensation and he stops, holding perfectly still as we take each other in.

I need the moment of quiet, my body needing to get used to the feeling of having Jack inside me, something that is still so new no matter how many times it happens. I never want to forget what this feels like. The way my body feels like it’s on fire, the way my mind commits his every movement to memory and the way my heart tightens, clenching hard in my chest as a reminder of what it feels like to fall for someone so fully.

My once shattered heart is slowly healing because of Jack.
