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Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that things could get any worse.

But no, they could. They could actually get a lot fucking worse.

“So not just an ex-boyfriend then?” I say, standing in the doorway as I stare down at Lu, sitting in a wedding dress on her bedroom floor, her cheeks wet with tears.

“Jack?” she says, her head shooting up.

I watch as she stands, furiously wiping under her eyes as she makes her way toward me, the look of hurt and confusion that crosses her face when I hold up a hand stopping her from coming any closer.

“Tell me, Lu,” I say, my words harsh as I feel a vice wrap itself around my chest. “Are you still married to him or have you actually gotten divorced? Because I’m not one for sleeping with married women.”

“Jack,” she says again, stepping closer me. “It isn’t like that,” she adds, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

“Oh,” I say, eyebrow raised. “What’s it like? You’re separated then?”

Lu nods, a small hiccup stopping whatever she was about to say.

“I see,” I reply, taking a deep breath as I scrub a hand down my face. “And when exactly did it all end?” I ask. “Because married or not, I’m not really into sleeping with women who are still involved with other men either. I thought after what I’d told you last night, you’d have understood that?”

Lu stares at me, anger flashing across her face as her hands go to her hips. “Seriously?” she asks, practically spitting the word out. “You seriously think that’s the kind of woman I am?”

I shake my head but say nothing.

Lu laughs, but the sound is harsh as she looks away. “Right,” she says. “Well, I guess I didn’t take you for the kind of guy who abandons his pregnant girlfriend either.”

“What?” I half yell, stepping toward her. My hand finds her chin and I turn her face so she’s forced to look at me. “What did you say?”

Lu stares defiantly back at me. “Your pregnant girlfriend,” she says, the words cold, devoid of emotion.

“How the fuck did you know that?” I ask.

Lu cocks an eyebrow at me, as though how she knew is the last thing I should be worried about. “Tommy told me,” she says, stepping back so my hand drops to my side.

“Fuck’s sake,” I mutter, both hands in my hair, gripping it tight. “That guy needs to mind his own fucking business when it comes to you and me, Lu.”

“Oh, really?” she says, hands on her hips. “Because Tommy is one of the few people who’s been here for me,” she says. “When everything went to shit, he was here for me, keeping things running when I could barely drag myself out of bed.”

I laugh, even as I shake my head in amazement. “Oh right, amazing wonderful Tommy,” I say sarcastically. “If he’s so damn amazing, why don’t you get him to fix your fucking crusher. Then maybe you could start a relationship with him too and all your dreams will come true.”

The smack is hard, the loud crack of skin against skin echoing in her room as she slaps me hard across the face.

“Fuck you, Jack,” she says, her words quiet and filled with hurt, before she turns and walks out of her room.

I storm after her, reaching for her arm as she walks into the kitchen. “You do not get to walk away from me,” I say, spinning her around to face me. “Not now, not after all this,” I add, waving a hand in front of me as though that explains everything.

“And what exactly is this?” Lu asks, hands on her hips again as we stare at each other. “The whole me in a wedding dress thing or the pregnant Aussie Barbie femme-bot that’s shown up here demanding you take her back?”

“The what?” I ask, unable to stop the smile, even as my cheek still stings with the reminder of what she just did.

Lu’s jaw tightens as she stares back at me, refusing to budge.

I exhale, exhaustion suddenly washing over me. “Look,” I say, hands out, palms up as though in surrender. “I have no idea what’s happening here,” I add. “But I do know that the child is not mine. I haven’t been with Mel in over six months, Lu and even though it’s been a long time since I studied biology, I’m pretty sure women are starting to show by the time the six-month mark rolls around.”

Lu continues to stare at me, still not saying anything.

“And besides,” I continue, walking over to her and closing the distance between us. “She told me who’s it is. Actually admitted it wasn’t mine.”

Lu swallows hard now as she takes in my words. I can see all of the questions and emotions battling it out in her eyes as she dares herself to believe what I’m telling her.
