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“So, I have the 3D rendering ready based on the blueprints and I’d like to review it with you. It will give you a better idea of what it will look like when the renovation is completed.”

“Awesome,” Lauren says, pulling out a chair and sitting down, and I do the same with Jack following suit and pulling a chair up next to Lauren.

We spend the next couple of hours going over everything, adjusting a few things based on my suggestions and their own. We’re down to the last step before I start the process of getting bids, but they know all this since I did a few minor renovations to other buildings on the property. It all feels like it’s moving along so smoothly and I’ll be meeting with them next week to finalize the changes and move forward with getting bids and talking through those with them too.

When we’re done, Lauren lets out a long slow sigh and I can only imagine how overwhelmed she is. She and Jack are essentially running two businesses on their own. Lauren’s sister Ellen does a lot of behind-the-scenes work, but for the most part, Lauren is out here on her own making wine and overseeing production and now renovating a house all while pregnant with her first child. She’s the epitome of multitasking and what it looks like to be successful, all while starting a family.

“You think it’ll be finished before the baby comes?” she now asks me, her hand resting on the small bump that graces her belly. Jack presses a quick kiss to her head and whispers something in her ear making her smile as he leaves to get back to work.

This has been a question of hers since we started the process. I’ll tell her the same thing I told her last time. I hope so, but plan for it not to be. They originally were supposed to be living in the small cottage that’s next to their current house, but we’ve decided to tear it down to make room for their renovation. They’re currently living with Tommy and Penny, but I know Lauren wants to be settled in her forever home before the baby comes.

“I’m really pushing for things to be nearly complete by then, but there are always things that come up and I don’t want you to get your hopes up,” I say, looking over at her with a small smile on my face.

“This wasn’t part of the plan,” she tells me, pointing to her belly. “Well, eventually it was part of the plan. It just happened much faster than we thought. The renovation was supposed to be started and moving along and then I was supposed to get pregnant.” She shakes her head. “It got a little out of order.”

“Does it really matter?” I ask, not trying to be insensitive to her stressful situation, but she really has it good.

“No, it doesn’t. Jack and I wanted this life and here it is.” She motions around the vineyard with a smile on her face, taking in everything that surrounds us. It’s so impressive. “My niece and nephew Olivia and Oscar are excited to finally have a cousin too. I’ll have a lot of help and I need to keep reminding myself of that. I’m not on my own.”

“No, you’re definitely not,” I tell her. “You’ve got this.”

She nods, a bit of a cheeky smile on her face now. “Okay, now that Jack and all his nosiness is gone, fill me in on what’s going on with Dylan,” Lauren squeals, linking her arm through mine like we’re old friends and there’s something about it that is far more comforting than I expect.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a real friend. After spending most of my time in school and then any free time I had building my business, and really any free time I have now is still going to building my business, I’ve lost a lot of friends. Sometimes I think that’s why I said yes to Dylan, but all it did was make me realize I wanted something real, a real connection, not just a hook up. And maybe that’s where it’s actually moving to since he’s putting in a lot of effort.

“Nothing’s really going on,” I say, sounding completely stupid. It’s obvious to anyone who has seen us together that something is going on, even if at times we’re awkward.

Lauren cocks her head to the side and laughs a little. “Seriously?”

“Okay, I have no idea what’s going on,” I admit, sounding a little whiny and confused. “We used to hook up. Like that’s all we did, and he had zero interest in anything but hopping into bed with me. I broke it off. Well, actually I ghosted him and then I took the job here, knowing he worked here.” I slap a hand over my face. “I honestly thought I would never see him again.”

Lauren is laughing now. “Boy, that backfired, huh?”

“Oh my god, it did, and now he’s telling me he wants to go on dates and get to know me. Now, mind you, this is the guy who had women in his phone by description, like ‘hot girl from the gym with brown hair’ or ‘blonde with big tits from grocery store’. What the hell am I even thinking?” I shake my head, my memory instantly flashing back to what a player he was or still is.

“You’re thinking you should give him a shot. Maybe he’s changed? I have to say, he works really hard here and while he likes to flirt, he hasn’t seemed interested in any of the girls who work here.” Lauren shrugs, and from what it seems, both she and Jack are the matchmakers.

“I’m trying. I did agree to go out with him again tomorrow.”

“Where are you going?” Lauren asks, and I realize I never even asked him, just agreeing to allow him to pick me up.

“I have no idea,” I admit, suddenly a little worried. “By the way, any idea how he made his money?” I now ask, not trying to pry, but he’s given me nothing.

“I had no idea he has money,” Lauren says, and now I feel like a jerk for even mentioning it. It’s really quite rude of me to even talk about it, especially with his employer.

“Forget it, forget I even mentioned it,” I say, trying to brush it off. I don’t want her thinking I’m after him for his money. I certainly am not. If anything, the fact that he’s somehow independently wealthy makes me a little uncomfortable.

I worked hard to get where I am and to be able to support myself, something I’m damn proud of and I don’t want anyone thinking I took the easy route.

“Done and forgotten,” Lauren says, hitting me with a wink. “But I do want updates on your date tomorrow.”

I clench my teeth, my nose wrinkling up. “I like chatting with you, Lauren, but you’re a client and he’s your employee, aren’t we crossing a line here?”

“At this place? Fuck no. If you work here or we hire you, you’re a part of this big dysfunctional family. Didn’t you see I added that to our contract?” she jokes and both of us laugh, me now feeling more comfortable with her than I have with any other client.

“Okay, okay, standby for updates.”
