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Chapter Seven


My phone rings as I’m pulling on my jeans and I grab it from the bed, hoping it’s not Tessa calling to bail on me tonight. But the name flashing on the screen makes me smile and I answer immediately as I give up on getting dressed and flop back onto my bed.

“Hello sister.”

“Hello brother,” Hannah replies. “So, I had a very interesting friend request on Facebook today.”

Her random announcement would be weird to most people, but this is how she and I roll, conversations without preamble and to be honest, I’ve kind of half been expecting this one. I mean I did text her the night Tessa came to my place for dinner, asking her to let me know if something like this happened.

“Uh huh, let me guess, a blast from your past?”

“Yep,” she says, and I can tell she’s smiling. “And what’s more, when I accepted said friend request and went to check out her profile, I noticed she’s working at…one guess…Somerville’s!”

I laugh. “She is,” I confirm. “Has she asked you about me yet?”

Hannah scoffs. “Jesus, always about you, isn’t it? Have you fucked her yet or what?”

I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me. “Um, no comment,” I say, my hand brushing over my beard as I stare up at the ceiling. “But I do have a favor to ask.”

“Again, always all about you, but okay, this should be good,” Hannah says, and I can tell she’s secretly loving this. She always did like a game or a play or a secret, anything that meant there was fun to be had. It’s probably why we get along so well, our personalities are so similar, despite the nearly five year age gap.

“She’s going to ask you how I made my money,” I start. “Don’t tell her anything.”

“Hmmm, okay and what’s in this for me?” she asks. “Because for the record, the reason is pretty damn epic and actually, it might also be something Tessa might beveryinterested in.”

I burst out laughing. “Oh, jesus, I really don’t want to havethisconversation with you, Han, seriously. It’s all kinds of weird, fucked-up-ed-ness.”

“You know I’ve—”

“Stop! Stop, seriously, we cannot discuss this. I don’t want to know, okay? I thought I made that clear from the beginning?”

Hannah laughs. “I know, I know, I just like fucking with you, that’s all.”

I grin. “Of course you do, but I’m serious, okay? She’s going to ask, and I need you to not say anything.”

“Again,” Hannah says, “what’s in this for me?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I say, my words laced with exaggerated sarcasm. “How about the love and support of your favorite brother?”

“My only brother,” Hannah deadpans. “But do I take this request to mean you are indeed trying to fuck my former volleyball teammate?”

“Oh shit,” I mutter to myself. “Look, to be fair, I already have fucked her, quite a few times,” I clarify. “But she kinda ghosted me and wants nothing to do with me and now I’m trying to win her back…so to speak.”

Hannah bursts out laughing, her laugh loud and echoing down the phone in a way that suggests she is literally pissing herself at this point.

“What the fuck is so funny?” I half shout, wishing she would shut the hell up and if maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut. The problem is, she and I have always told each other everything, so it feels natural to tell her this. We’ve always talked like this, even as kids, and while it might seem weird to some, given we are brother and sister, it’s just how we are. It’s rare I ever keep anything from Hannah.

“Oh, brother,” Hannah says, and I can tell she’s trying not to laugh. “Let me guess, you were fuck buddies and unsurprisingly it all went to shit?”

“How…” I start before cutting myself off. “Honestly, fucking women, why are you always so damn cryptic, yet somehow know shit too?” Hannah’s laughing again and I swear I’m half tempted to hang up because I do not need this shit right now, but especially right before my date. I pull the phone from my ear, noting the time before adding. “Look, I need to go you shithead. Promise you won’t say anything when she asks?”

“Ohhh,” Hannah giggles, clearly trying to compose herself. “Fine, I won’t say anything. But one condition.”

“What?” I ask warily.

Hannah sighs, her laughter gone now as she says, “If anything opens up in the kitchen at Somerville’s or Apple Jacks, you let me know, okay? Maybe use your inside pull to get me somewhere.”
