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Chapter Twenty


Dylan definitely proved himself and it feels like things can only go up from here now that he knows vanilla sex is not what turns me on. But we have bigger things to talk about, like this whole sex toy invention. This story is going to be something for the books, and I don’t want to miss a second of it.

“We can work out a demonstration, for sure,” Dylan says, patting his nightstand. “I’ve had one in here for ages and I’ve never used it on anyone. Guess I was waiting for the right—”

“Pussy?” I say, hitting him with a smirk.

“Tessa, Tessa, Tessa. And to think I thought you were all proper and shit, but underneath the heels and perfect makeup, is a dirty, dirty girl.”

It feels like he’s avoiding telling me the full story, which can only mean one thing. Could he possibly be embarrassed by this? That doesn’t feel like the Dylan I’ve come to know and given how much money he made off this invention, he has no reason to be embarrassed. He cashed in. Not that him having money means anything in terms of our relationship.

I’ve worked my ass off to build my architecture business and while it’s still small and I’m not rolling in the bucks, I have zero intention of relying on Dylan, or any guy for that matter, for financial support.

“While I’m very grateful for the fact that you have never used the sex toy you invented on someone else,” I say, straddling Dylan’s hips now, leaning down with my mouth close to his ear, I whisper, “it feels like you might be avoiding telling me how this all came to be.”

Dylan laughs, shaking his head, but when I pull back to look at him, his cheeks are a little flushed, and I now know he is hesitant to tell me the full story. I guess just saying you invented a sex toy would normally spark questions about what kind and where you can buy one, but I’m more interested in the how of it than anything else.

“Not necessarily avoiding it,” he replies, smirking. “It’s just not what it was meant to be.”

“What are you talking about? The sex toy isn’t a sex toy?”

“Oh no, it’s definitely a sex toy. I just didn’t set out to make a sex toy,” he admits, and I can’t help but laugh. This is better than I expected this story to be already.

“Okay, now I gotta hear this. Spill it.” I slide off him, resting alongside him, propped up on my elbow, waiting for him to shock me or make me laugh hysterically.

Dylan takes in a hard breath, letting it out slowly. He’s being awfully dramatic, and I must say, this feels an awful lot like when we were hooking up. He was tight-lipped about his life, and since we’ve both now agreed this is a relationship, I had hoped he’d be a little more open with me.

“Does anyone know this story?” I ask, attempting to move him along.

“Well, kinda,” he replies, shrugging. “My parents know and my sister, and my college roommate, but beyond that, no one else that I can think of.”

“Hang on a second,” I say, tossing up a hand. “You mean to tell me that you never used this to land women?”

“When you look like this, you don’t really need to resort to tactics,” Dylan jokes, gesturing to his naked body, and of course I laugh at his confidence.

“Obviously, but again, you’re stalling. Get talking, boy,” I say, poking his side, making him chuckle.

“Okay, okay. Here it goes. Now, you have to promise me you aren’t going to laugh.” Dylan says, leaning over to sweetly kiss the tip of my nose.

“I’m not certain I can promise that, but I will try my best.” I rest a hand on his chest, his heart thumping wildly beneath it. “Oh, you’re nervous,” I croon, letting out a comforting sigh.

“Just a little. The sex toy thing is a little weird, but how it came to be is even stranger and I’m pretty sure you’re going to laugh at me.”

Of course I’m going to laugh at him. There’s no way someone wouldn’t laugh when there is a sex toy involved. Using a sex toy is another story, but this isn’t about putting it to good use. This is a story of how someone actually invents a sex toy. I didn’t even realize this was something a single person invented. I guess I always pictured a group of men sitting around a table acting like they knew what women wanted.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed. I’m sure it’s a great story and you should be really proud of the fact that you are truly self-made.”

“Yeah, I hear you and I am proud that I’ve been able to help my parents and buy my own house, and even more grateful that I’ve been able to work a job I love because of it. Without it, I would probably be working in an office somewhere, miserable and cursing my business degree.”

“Oh yes, the business degree that I never knew you had,” I say, trying not to let the shock in my voice come out, but I’m pretty sure I’ve failed.

“You still sound more surprised by my degree than you were when I told you I invented a sex toy,” Dylan quips and I hope I haven’t insulted him.

Talk about judgmental, but I really thought he was just the type of guy who floated through life relying on other people to carry him. I was so damn wrong. Way wrong.

“I’m sorry. That was really rude of me. I guess I just…”
