Page 21 of Summer Hate

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“And you’re going to throw everything away.” She takes a step closer and lowers her voice to a harsh whisper, “for a piece of ass.”

I should be angry that my mother degraded Violet. Or that she thinks I’d actually throw my entire future away for a booty call. This only solidifies what I’m doing is right, consequences be damned.

“Violet is everything to me and there’s a good chance I’ve been in love with her for almost fifteen years. I’m going to leave this resort. I’m going to abandon the party. And if you feel like you need to take ownership back, then you do what you need to do to make yourself happy.” I pause to take a deep breath, feeling lighter than I have in years. “Cause that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

I don’t bother saying goodbye or even waiting for a response before I turn on my heel and make my way to the car. I don’t stop to chat with Bill and Carol or even grab an overnight bag. If I need something, I can buy it. I just need my Violet.

Truth be told, I’ve needed her for years. I’m finally man enough to admit it.

Which is why I don’t stop until I get to Nashville, where I promptly realize that I have no idea where Violet lives. So, I take a sharp right turn and head to my sister’s house. If anyone can find Violet, it’s her.

Luck seems to be on my side because as soon as I pull down my sister’s street, I spot Violet’s BMW in her driveway.

My palms are sweaty as I make my way to her front door. I don’t know what I’ll do if she slams the door in my face, but I know it’s a real possibility. I just need her to hear me out and if she decides I’m not worth it, then I have no choice but to let her go.

As I raise my hand to knock, the door swings open and I’m met with Violet’s surprised face. Her eyes are a little puffy and bloodshot. In addition to a frown, she’s wearing a unicorn onesie and holding a full trash bag.

She’s never looked more fucking beautiful.

“Donovan.” Her voice is low, and I can hear both the shock and awe in her voice. “What are you doing here? What about your party?”

“Fuck the party. It doesn’t mean anything if you’re not there.” I take the trash from her hand and drop it down by the door.

“But your mother? The things she said?”

I sigh and run a tentative hand down her face before cupping her cheek. Indecision wars in her brown orbs, but after several very long seconds, she relaxes and leans into my touch. “I set my mother straight. Told her everything was all you. That you made everything perfect, including me.” I sigh again and shake my head. “I should have stayed with you all those years ago but I was scared. You make me lose control, and I was afraid if I lost myself in you, I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else.”


“But that’s just not true. You make me a better version of myself, and I can’t lose you again. I should have never let you leave the resort. I should have stood up for you when my mother opened her big mouth. I was lucky enough that life gave me a second chance to make things right, and I completely fucked it up.”

“I wouldn’t say completely.” Violet runs a finger down the side of my jacket. “So, what does this mean for the resort? Your future?”

“You’re my future, Violet. I’ll give up everything else if it means I can be with you.”


“Really.” I stroke my thumb over her cheek bone, relishing how she trembles under my touch. “You matter the most to me. You always have.”

She gives me a watery smile and places a hand over my heart. “I love you, Donny. But I won’t have you giving up everything for me.”

“Not for you.” I put my hand over hers and press it against my chest. “For us. We can make a new future together. Wait. Did you just steal the firstI love you?”

“I might have.”

She smirks, and I growl, leaning forward and closing the space between us. I frame her face with my hands, my fingers brushing through her hair. The air around us becomes heavy and charged, and I can barely resist the pull between us. So I don’t.

I crash my lips to hers in a searing kiss, plunging my tongue in her mouth and claiming it and her as mine. She may have given me the words, but I’ll show her how much I love her with every thrust of my tongue. Violet is just as needy as I am, meeting me stroke for stroke, moaning against my lips, and gripping my jacket in a tight grasp. My hands roam down her back, over the soft material of this ridiculous onesie, when my sister’s voice rings out behind me.

“Donovan Alexander Fitzroy. What are you doing kissing my best friend in my house?”

I look past Violet while her head falls against my chest and her shoulders rise and fall with laughter. Natalie is standing in the entryway, dressed in a very appropriate devil onesie, a wide smile across her face.

“Nice to see you, Natalie. I’m stealing your best friend. It seems I’ve fallen in love with her.” I pull away from Violet and meet her warm gaze. “I love you, Violet. I‘ve loved you for fifteen fucking years.”

Ignoring the heckling from my sister, I lower my lips to hers, and this time I allow myself to sink into the kiss. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. I surround myself with her lemon scent and soft skin. She consumes me, and I fucking burn for her. She’s everything, and I’ll never let her go. Not again.

