Page 22 of Summer Hate

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The Next Summer

Where the hell is my events coordinator? I swear, you give a girl some good dick, and she thinks she can walk all over you.

It’s hard to find good help these days.

It’s even harder to work next to Violet day after day and not maul her every chance I get. I swear that girl turns me into a damn animal with just a look. Although, admittedly, it’s a pretty good look.

With an irritated huff, I stroll through the administrative space when I hear the little minx from my office.

“Looking for me, boss?”

Just hearing her voice wakens my dick and has him beating against the zipper of my black dress pants. Doesn’t matter that I was inside her less than ten hours ago. She always makes me want her. Crave her.

Jesus. She’s going to be the death of me.

“Yes, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” I struggle to keep a scowl on my face as I pin her with a glare. “You’re needed.”

“Oh?” Her eyebrows shoot to her hairline.

“I have something very important to discuss.” I stomp into my office, closing and locking the door behind me. The way she shifts, rubbing her thighs together, tells me she loves my broody act.

She may like me when I’m a nice guy, but she likes me better when I’m a bad boy.

Her pretty pink lips lift in a smirk, and she smooths down her flared black skirt. “Yes, sir. I hope I haven’t displeased you.”

I can’t help but grin as I circle my arms around her waist and pull her to me. Her hands curl up in the front of my white button-down shirt, and she lets out a small moan as she leans into me.

“I haven’t seen you all day. I miss you,” I mumble into her hair, burying my nose into it and inhaling her lemony scent. “And I’m hungry.”

Violet pushes away with an evil glint in her eye and that smirk back on her face. She walks around me, trailing her fingers around my back and over my arms. “I’m hungry too.” Her voice is low. Husky. “Just not for food.”

Her eyes flick down at my dick, hard as a rock and anxious to get out of my pants.

I’m sad to say that in the past year we haven’t had much time to properly christen my office. After my mom apologized and gave me the resort with no contingencies, Violet and I invested in a hotel in Nashville. It was a favorite of her brother’s, and he practically shoved it in our hands. The damn thing is a nightmare to renovate, and we spend most of our time traveling between here and her apartment. But when we’re done, it’ll be worth it.

I might even give it to her as an engagement present. A bribe to make sure she says yes when I ask her to marry me at the end of the summer party.

Anything to keep her in my bed and this look of hunger etched across her face.

“No?” I rub a palm over my erection, groan, and then do it again, only this time harder.

She licks her lips, her gaze flicking up to meet mine. “Nope.” She points to my office chair and when she speaks again, the command is clear. “Sit. Down. Now.”

It looks like my little Violet wants to be in charge today, and I’m more than happy to oblige. My heart rate picks up and the air between us thickens with awareness. I can practically feel every searing look across my skin. Every movement. She’s burning me alive, and she hasn’t even touched me.

The closer I get to the chair, the hotter the air. The harder my heart beats. The more lust tunnels through my veins. It’s the anticipation of what’s to come. The trust we have between each other. It makes this beautiful.

After lowering myself in the chair, I arch a brow and wait for more instructions.

Violet hops on the desk, putting her pussy so much closer to my face. My mouth waters, and I can’t wait to taste her. I scoot forward, rubbing my palms up the smooth expanse of her thighs when she bats my hands away.

“Did I say you could touch me, Donny?” She cocks her head and stares at me until I begrudgingly put my hands in myownlap. “Good boy. Now take yourself out of your fancy pants. I want to see how fucking hard your cock is for me.”

With a groan, I do what she asks. Her eyes track every little move, the flick of the button, the way I drag down my zipper. And when I pull my dick from my boxer briefs, she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth and bites it with her teeth.

“Is this what you want, Violet?” I wrap my hand around the shaft and squeeze. “I’m always hard for you. Always dying to get in that tight, wet pussy. I can never get enough of you.”
