Page 114 of Claiming What's His

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“Your new office Mrs. Jones.”

“My –” I stuttered and shook my head, looking back over the beautiful feminine office around me. “I don’t understand.” I said, “I thought I was just going to sit in the boardroom, I don’t need a whole office Mav.”

“Yes you do.” He said firmly and stepped forward. “Because my mom wants you to help takeover the Luke Jones Charity and you’re going to need a professional space to take that on. And besides,” He said, sliding his hands over my hips and pulling me into him. “I’ve been clear about wanting you at my side here since day one Angel, and this office, literally attached to mine, is exactly where you belong. We’re building a legacy not just for ourselves anymore Cora, but for our kids to take over someday. And I want to be able to hand them something that has as much of their mother in it as their father when we do.”

I took a deep calming breath and looked up into his eyes, forcing myself to trust that he wanted me here along side of him like this and let the excitement that was trying to take over my entire system through and danced from foot to foot as he smiled widely down at me.

“I love it Mav.” I purred and offered my lips to him, and he hungrily accepted, kissing me deeply. “You’re perfect Mr. Jones.”

He chuckled against my lips and tsked his tongue, “I’d like to be able to say this was an incredibly selfless decision that I only thought about your happiness when I made it, but to be completely honest with you there was one selfish motive paving the way when I started this project before our wedding.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked, biting my lip. “What was that?”

“I won’t have to do anything more than carry you across the threshold between our offices each day when I’m ready to spread you out on my desk to eat my lunch.” He said with a wickedly naughty glint in his eye.

I scoffed at him and swatted his arm. “Want to break in my new desk before I sit down at it for the first time?” I countered and he growled deeply in his chest before stepping over to a panel on the wall.

“Why Mrs. Jones, how did you know that was the very first thing I have written on my agenda for the day?” He asked as the doors swung shut and locked, and we were completely encapsulated in a mirrored box with naughty depraved things on our minds.

The End
