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“This wasn’t safe or sane for you, and it certainly wasn’t consensual for me. I’m very disappointed. I thought you were smarter than this.”

“I wouldn’t have attempted this with anyone else,” she admitted. “I thought you’d be more receptive. I didn’t know you loved her.”

“Now you do.”

He shifted his gaze away from her, unable to look at her in this state any longer. He wasn’t attracted to her, but he didn’t feel right being in this room while she was naked.

“Do you need me to wait for you?” he asked. “I can take you home.”

No matter how angry he was with her or what she had done, he still felt a sense of responsibility for her. Maybe that was his dominant nature. She was misguided when it came to him. He hoped she came to her senses after his rejection.

“I’m fine.”

“I can wait for you outside.”

“Just go.”

“I’m sorry for any pain I’ve caused you.” He headed for the door. “I thought you understood my position.”

“You made it abundantly clear tonight.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” He didn’t look back as he opened the door.

He couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Angelina was a problem that wasn’t going to resolve itself easily. No matter how much he wanted her out of his life, something told him she wasn’t done with him yet. He had never wanted to be more wrong about anything.

* * *

Julian stormedthrough the penthouse doors and headed straight for the bar in the family room. He poured himself a drink, glancing around the empty house. Taking his phone from his pocket, he sent Kayla a quick text.

Where are you?

As he waited for her reply, he removed his jacket before downing his drink. Pouring himself another, he studied his phone. Why hadn’t she responded? Why wasn’t she home?

He took his drink into the foyer, hanging his jacket in the closet and then taking his wallet out of his pants pocket. He placed it on the foyer table along with his watch as he tried to get himself in check. His mood was foul, thanks to Angelina. What the hell was she trying to pull? More importantly, why hadn’t she backed off when he told her he wasn’t interested? For a woman who claimed to be so submissive, she wasn’t very good at it. Speaking of non-submissive women... He leaned against the stairs as Kayla came into the entryway.

“Where were you?” He finished his drink, the alcohol burning his dry throat.

He hadn’t eaten since lunch so the two drinks had affected him faster than they normally would have.

“Julian.” She set her bag down and slipped off her coat. “What are you doing home?”

“My appointment canceled.”Or something like that.“You didn’t tell me you were going to be late.” He stalked toward her, grabbing her forearms and tugging her to him. “I thought you would be here.”

“I, well, I...”

“I don’t care.” He pressed her against the door, taking her face between his hands. “Kiss me.”


When she moistened her lips with her tongue, all he could think about was her on her knees, sucking him to completion. Maybe he should take her to the spare room and dominate her in ways that he never had.

Once her lips touched his, he realized they weren’t going to make it up the stairs. He needed her now. Reaching underneath her skirt, he gripped her panties and glided them down her legs.

“Get them off,” he demanded.

She held onto his shoulder as she stepped out of her panties.

“That’s better.” He rose to meet her. “It’s been a long day.” He hiked her skirt over her hips. “I need you.”
