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“Showing you that I’m exactly who you need.”

“Are you out of your mind?” He moved toward her, accessing the ropes, figuring out how he would release her. “Who did this to you?”

“A friend in the community.”

“A submissive, obviously.” He rubbed his temple, trying not to lose his temper. “No Dominant would think this was a good idea.”

“Julian,” she pleaded. “Give us a chance. I can be who you need. We wouldn’t need any outside training. I can obey you completely. You’re good at what you do, but you need a submissive who understands you.”

“You don’t understand me at all.” He reached for the harness above her head and released her arms, holding her until she got her bearings. “Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? What if I hadn’t shown, or worse, someone else did? Why are you so reckless?” He unhooked the harness at her waist and steadied her onto her feet. “Get dressed.”

“Is that a command?”

“I want to have a discussion with you, and I won’t do it while you’re naked.”

“Don’t be silly.” She moved close to him. “We’ve had plenty of discussions while I was naked.” She reached for his tie. “While we were both naked.”

He gripped her forearms, holding her firmly. “If you knew anything about me, you would know that I would never betray a woman I was with, submissive or otherwise.”

“She’s not submissive and you know it.”

“We don’t label what we have. I won’t explain my relationship with you.” He released her, pushing her back. “Get dressed.”

“Look how much passion I ignite from you.” She attempted to touch him, but he backed away. “You’re furious with me. We can use that. Punish me. I know you want to.”

“I don’t want to punish you. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Then you’re delusional.” He headed for the door. “I’m done.”

“Where are you going?”

“Home to Kayla.”

“Julian,” she screamed. “You’re making a mistake. You’ll regret walking out on me.”

“Don’t threaten me.” He spun around and came toward her, backing her against the wall, placing his hands on her shoulders. “If you don’t want me to expose you to your grandfather and your colleagues, I suggest you forget this happened and move on with your life. I will never be interested in you.”

“You can’t expose me without exposing yourself.”

“That’s a chance I’m willing to take.” He glared down at her, knowing he’d have no choice but to make good on that threat if she didn’t back down. “Do you want to try me?”

They stared at one another for a moment, like some absurd contest, but Julian wouldn’t waiver.

Finally, Angelina broke their eye contact, looking away. “You really love her?”

“I do.”

“Does she realize what she has?”

“This isn’t a conversation I want to have with you.” He stepped back. “Whatever you thought would happen here tonight could never be. We ended things for a reason. I’m not the man you need, and you’re certainly not the woman I want. I’m telling your grandfather I’m too busy to be your mentor. You will not protest. You’ll even tell him you want to expand your horizons. It’ll be good for you to assist someone else. Perhaps you should go back to California.”

“I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“This stunt was upsetting on many levels. I’m worried for your safety in this community. You can’t force someone to be what you need. Have you forgotten the basic rules?”


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