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“So, when were you going to tell me you moved in with him?”

That’s random.She finished her wine, trying to come up with a fast and concise answer. Where was Julian when she needed him? He’d know exactly what to say. “I don’t, well...”

“Your landlord called me and told me you haven’t been to your apartment much and he was wondering what was going on.”

“Oh.” She hadn’t anticipated that. “I’ve been staying at Julian’s on the weekends and...”

“You moved in with him, Kayla. Let’s not play games.”


“Don’t apologize.” He sighed. “You’re an adult. I can’t dictate who you live with. I may not like the idea of it, but not because it’s Julian. He’s a great guy. I just need to get used to the idea that you’re with him.”

“I should have told you I’m living with him,” she admitted. “With my new job, bringing Julian home at Christmas, and now moving in with him, I didn’t want to stress you.”

“You’ve always been an exceptional kid. You’ve never given me anything to worry about. You make good choices.”

“Thanks.” Would he think that if he knew about the time she spent with Julian and Master M? What she allowed them to do? What she fantasized about both of them doing to her? At the same time? “Julian said I should tell you about the apartment. He said he could renegotiate the lease.”

“If you’re certain you want to give up the apartment, then we can have him look into it.” He patted her hand. “If you’re not ready to give up your own space, don’t. Do what you think is right.”

“I’m ready.” She was certain she wanted to live with Julian on a permanent basis. “I just wanted to tell you and Mom first. I was working my way up to that conversation.”

“We’ve always had an open relationship. Just because you’re with Julian shouldn’t change that.”

“Julian wanted me to be honest. I made a mistake.”

“It happens.” He kissed the top of her head. “I do like him.”

“I do too.” She giggled as a sense of relief came over her. She was an adult, but she had hoped her father would give his approval when it came to Julian. She loved both men so much, and wanted her dad to be happy for her. “But I think I always have.”

“I think so too.” He glanced behind her. “Here comes your roommate now.”

“Is that what we’re going with?”

“That’s about all I can handle right now.”

“I’ll take it.” She hugged him. “He’s good to me, Dad.”

“I don’t doubt that.” He released her and smiled at Julian. “My daughter just informed me of her new living situation. Life in a penthouse. Impressive.”

“Oh.” Julian looked at Kayla, shock in his expression. “I’m glad she told you.”

“Something like that,” she mumbled. “My landlord got to him first.”

“I see.” Julian put his arm around her waist. “Mr. Quinn, I hope you’re not offended. I realize Kayla has made some big changes in her life lately, but she’s a very independent woman. She’s smart and knows what she wants.”

She looked up at Julian, falling a little deeper for him in that moment. No matter how many times she surrendered her submission to him, he always made her feel in control and capable of making her own choices.

“Just take care of her, okay?” her father said. “I’ve always liked you, Julian. I’d like to keep it that way. I’m trusting you with one of my most precious assets.”

“She’s my number one priority,” Julian assured him. “I won’t hurt her.”

“I’d like another glass of wine, please.” Kayla laughed. “This conversation is weird and too deep. It’s a birthday party. Can we just drink?”

“Enjoy.” Her dad rolled his eyes. “I’m still not used to you being able to drink either.”

“Dad, there’s Mom.” Kayla pointed across the room. “She’s looking for you.”

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