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“That’s one of the purposes of this club. When people come here, they seek a lifestyle they often know nothing about. I try to lead them in the right direction and match them with others who I think they’ll be compatible with.”

“You’re a Dom and sub matchmaker?” Kayla asked.

“Something like that.” Martin smirked, but he was far too modest to take credit for anything. “I didn’t start out that way, but as the years went by and people found out about this club, more sought out my expertise. I’ve been practicing in this community for many years. I’ve learned a lot and mastered much. If I can use my knowledge to create a safe, sane, and consensual environment, then it’s my duty to help those who want the advice. The internet can be a useful tool, but there are many dangers when it comes to vulnerable people.”

“That’s why we’re here,” Julian said. “I’ve only participated with experienced women. I knew what they wanted and knew they could handle what we were doing. Kayla is different.”

“I’m trying to learn for you,” she said.

“The fact that you’re here proves that, Kayla.” Martin took her hand, gazing hard into her reluctant eyes. “Your Dominant is apprehensive because you are so new to this lifestyle, and he knows you don’t fully comprehend all it entails.” He looked at Julian for confirmation before focusing on Kayla. “Not yet, anyway. I’ve known Julian for quite some time, and by him bringing you here, it only reinforces what I already knew about him. He is a responsible Dominant who wants to put you above all else. He has fallen in love with you, and that makes him uncertain. Not because he’s afraid to do what is necessary to show you all this lifestyle has to offer you, but because he doesn’t want to hurt you.”

Kayla glanced at Julian. “You won’t hurt me.” The certainty in her voice spoke volumes.

“Trust is very important, especially over the course of our training.” Martin touched Kayla’s face, reverting her attention back to him. “We may do things that don’t feel right to you, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. I would expect you to be uncomfortable, because you’re young and new to our way of life. Julian and I will make you our sole focus when we’re in the playroom. You will always have access to me when the scene is over. I’d expect you to seek the guidance of your Dominant, but in the early stages, you may have questions for me. I’ll be available to you. I’m offering my full attention to you both. I’m currently not with anyone, so my time is your time. I promise you this will work.”

“That’s very kind of you, Martin,” Kayla said. “I want to be here. I want to learn, and I appreciate the opportunity for your help in this journey.”

“Moving forward, you will refer to me as Master M or Sir. I don’t care which one, but you will not use my given name.”

“Umm, okay.”

“Okay, what?” Martin pressed.

“Okay, Mas... I mean, Sir.”

“Good.” Martin stood from his seat. “I need you to allow me a few moments with your Dominant before the two of you have a quiet dinner in my private dining area.”

Kayla looked to Julian and then quickly scrambled to get up.

“I’ll meet you right outside.” Julian kissed her cheek before opening the door. “Wait out here for me. I won’t be long.”

“Okay.” She gave him a small smile before stepping out into the hall. “I’m going to text Caroline and see how she’s feeling. She’s been nauseous.” Her sister-in-law, Caroline, was a few months pregnant and Kayla liked checking in on her.

“Good idea.” Julian winked before closing the door and turning to Martin. “You intimidate her.”

“Did you think I wouldn’t?” Martin took a seat at his desk and clasped his hands in front of him, resting on his elbows. “I’ve never met a submissive I didn’t throw off balance. You have your work cut out for you.”

“She’s willing to learn.” Julian had already shown her the way. “As you said, I need someone who isn’t emotionally attached to her to help us. I’ve been lax and bad habits are forming.”

“She’s young.”

“Her soul is old and her mind is well beyond her years. I like her free spirit and the way she challenges me. I need for her to submit. When we play, she’s focused and willing to try new things.”

“She has a defiant streak. It was subtle in front of me, but it is there.”

“I’ve seen you train much less compliant women.”

“I didn’t love those women, well, not the way you love Kayla.” He glanced at the picture of Gracie Meadows, the sub Martin had taken a liking to. Much more than any other submissive in his life. “Will you be able to watch me with her and allow me to hone in on her submissive side, given how you feel for her? I will play a very active role if we continue with this.”

“I know we’re not the first couple you’ve trained.”

“That’s very true, and I ask this of all of my Doms who are in a serious relationship. I don’t do well with interference. I’ve seen your potential. When you’re in the zone in a playroom you’re impressive.”

“Thank you.” Julian recalled two or three intense sessions that took place right in this club. “You were a helpful mentor.”

“I can still be a mentor, but you and Kayla need to set clear boundaries. She needs to understand how hands-on I’ll be.”

“She will,” Julian said. “I didn’t explain everything to her yet, because I didn’t want to frighten her. I wanted her to meet you first. She wants more. She’s a strong woman. Once we’re in the playroom with you, she’ll calm down. She’s apprehensive with new things, but she doesn’t back down. I’m not that dominant with her. I admit, my feelings got in the way. First, I thought she was too new for this lifestyle, and then I fell in love with her. Now we’re in an odd place. I can’t be the way I usually am with other submissives. She was different from the beginning. I always knew that, but I pursued her anyway. Now, I’m addicted to her. In ways I never imagined possible.”
