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Chapter 6


Ipull my bike up to the trailer park, parking by my house before helping Lexi down.

“It’s not a mansion, but it will do, for now,” I tell her, smiling and leaning down to kiss her. Before our lips can touch, though, I see my brother coming down the walkway, and he’s holding someone in his arms. I already know who it is before they make it to us.

“Is she alright?” I ask my brother as he stalks past us, muttering something about killing someone.

“She will be,” he grunts.

“Lexi is going to be staying with us for a while,” I tell him as he walks carefully up the stairs to our front door and kicks it open.

“Sounds good. Just try to keep it down. Nice meeting you again, Lexi,” he says before disappearing inside, heading for his room.

“Is she okay?” Lexi asks, worry lacing her voice.

“She will be. Landon will take care of her. He always does. Let’s get you inside,” I tell Lexi, not wanting to ruin our night with my brother’s issues. I grab what little stuff I could pack in the saddlebags on my bike before turning and leading Lexi into the house.

The trailer is clean, but it’s most definitely dated. The carpet is an old beige color with yellowing walls. The kitchen, which you can see from the living room, still has the original orange cabinets. We keep the place clean but refuse to waste our time and money on updates to this hellhole. This was never really home, even when our parents were here. We always knew we were leaving this place and never looking back, so fixing it up is pointless. I turn down the hallway that leads to my room.

Landon and I basically have half a house each to ourselves. I have the big room we shared when our parents were here and the bath in the back. On the opposite side of the house is the master bedroom and bath, which Landon took when we realized our parents weren’t coming back. I wanted nothing to do with their room, their memory, any of it. Plus, Landon is older, so it made sense for him to take the master.

“Wow, you and your brother live here alone?” Lexi asks, sitting on my kingsize bed.

“Yeah, our parents left us a long time ago. We’ve made due,” I tell her, sitting beside her on the bed. I can tell she’s exhausted, probably from sleeping on a hard metal table. I decide we can talk in the morning, but my girl needs some sleep.

“I wish my parents would have left me alone. It’s better than what they’ve put me through most of my life,” she tells me, leaning on my shoulder and letting out a yawn.

“Tomorrow, we need to figure everything out. If you need to get the rest of your stuff from your house, I’ll drive you there in my truck. For now, though, you need some sleep. Lay down, baby,” I tell her, standing and stripping off my clothes. She watches me with hungry eyes, and when I pull down my boxers, she even licks her lips. It pulls a groan from me as I slide under the covers.

“I sleep naked, but no fooling around, babygirl. You’re probably sore, and I won’t cause you any more pain tonight,” I tell her, smiling when she growls back at me a bit. I love this firecracker of a woman.

“Fine, but I sleep naked too, just so ya know… try to resist and keep your hands to yourself, big guy,” she sasses back at me. I stifle my laugh at her attitude. God, this woman was fucking made for me.

The next morning Lexi and I lay curled up in each other’s arms, talking. She tells me again all about the camp her parents wanted her to go to, about her childhood, and what changed for her parents. She even tells me about her plan to get out of this dumpy town and open her own tattoo shop. Hearing her talk about tattoos while I trace the ones already adorning her body gets me fucking hard in seconds. I know I need to push that to the back of my mind for now.

“So, is there anything left at your house you need to go get?” I ask, knowing she’s been trying to avoid this conversation.

“Actually, there is. The only thing that matters to me at all is my Gibson guitar. Everything else doesn’t matter, but that’s the guitar I bought with my own money and learned how to play over YouTube videos. It’s the only thing I really care about, but it was too big to carry out of the house when I was sneaking out the window,” she tells me, and I can tell by her voice how much this means to her.

“Okay, why don’t we get dressed, eat, and then drive over there now?” I suggest, already getting out of bed and pulling her reluctant body with me.

“Fine. They should be at church anyway, so now’s probably the best time,” she tells me, but when we finally make it to her parents’ house, they are, in fact, not at church.

Both her parents are standing in their front yard with a white bus parked in the driveway with the name of “Holy Meadows Girls Camp” written on its side.

“Mother Fucker!” I bark, parking my old beat-up truck on the side of the road across from their house. I don’t drive the truck much, preferring my bike, but we use it for cold or rainy days when we don’t feel like being miserable all day. Today I wanted to get as much of Lexi’s shit as she wanted, even if she only mentioned the guitar. I was sure she would want some extra clothes or something. I take one more look at the couple standing in the yard along with some weasel of a little guy standing beside them in all white.

They look worried and freaked the fuck out. Like they are about to piss their pants. I stare at them in confusion. Isn’t this what they wanted? To send her away? Maybe they had a change of heart.

“Stay here. I’ll figure out what’s going on, but please stay in the truck,” I tell Lexi. I step out and am about to move toward her parents when I hear the other truck door open and shut. Rolling my eyes, I look over at Lexi.

“I literally JUST said to stay in the car,” I tell her, putting my hands on my hips.

“Yeah, like I take orders from anyone. You should know better by now,” she says with a scoff. I raise a brow at her.

“Oh, shut up. Only in the moment,” she huffs, remembering last night. I laugh but then hear a screech come from Lexi’s house.
