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Chapter Nine


Trying to get through classes and school while also not thinking about sinking into my girl's hot as fuck pussy is nearly impossible. It's been a few weeks, and I'm insatiable, but so is my girl. What makes it unbearable is the fact that my girl is dirty in the best way. She may be shy and ducks her head with everyone else, but a whole new side comes out with me. Don't get me wrong, she's still shy as hell with me unless we are about to have sex. Then the horny little vixen comes out. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and when I pull it out and see her name, a smile overtakes my face.

She texted me yesterday, and I didn't realize it was an image until I opened the screen and saw my girl topless, in the greenhouse, making a pouty face. Fuck. Me. I hightailed it out of Spanish so fucking fast it wasn't funny. Then I had my wicked way with my farm girl right there, surrounded by all the flowers and plants she takes care of. It was fucking epic.

I’m already smiling when I open the text message from today and see her message.

“Need you now. Greenhouse.” I don't even let the words sink in. I'm out of my seat and heading toward the greenhouse within seconds. I swear this girl has me by the balls, and I couldn't care less. I hurriedly make my way to my girl. I know I'm smiling like a loon, but I can't help myself. When I get to the greenhouse, I barely stop in time not to run into the door. Yeah, I'm a bit eager for my girl. Sue me.

“Honeysuckle, where…” I don't get to finish before I feel a zap of electricity, and I fall to my knees.

I know a taser when I feel one. It isn't the first time, and with the cops around here who like to give us shit, it probably won't be the last, but I know this ain't no fucking cop. I keep upright on my knees for a minute longer, but then another jolt works its way through my body, and I can’t help but drop to the ground. I can't move. My eyes are squeezed tightly shut as I try to breathe through the pain.

I feel my body being lifted, not so easily, and I'm dragged across the floor before sitting in a chair. I can't open my eyes just yet, I feel dizzy, and I'm a bit worried I might puke all over myself if I open them right now.

“This is the guy she chose over me? This is the guy you want?” I hear a whiney little voice say as my hands are zip-tied to a chair.

“Shut the hell up, Louis, and finish getting him strapped down. He won't be out of it for long.” Fucking Sara. I should have known she was bat shit crazy. What the fuck are they doing here? Why the hell would she tase me? Who the hell is Louis?

When I finally get myself under control, I slowly open my eyes to see the two little fuckers standing in front of me. Sara is staring me down with an obsessed but deranged look on her face, and Louis looks ready to commit murder as he sneers my way.

“I wish I could kill you. You took everything from me. Farlee was mine. Her cherry was mine. I know you took it. I know what a slut she’s been with you, but that's okay. By the time I’m done with her, she won't even remember your name,” Louis says, giving me an evil smile. This guy is fucking crazy.

“I won't let you lay a finger on my girl. I will kill you if you touch her,” I say, yanking on the ties holding me to the chair.

“Oh, baby, don't worry about the two of them. It's just going to be you and me from now on. I made a mistake in not taking you and our relationship seriously. I know you like to rebel and wanted to make me jealous with that girl, but I promise we can have everything together again. I love you, Griffin.” Sara whines, coming over to the chair and straddling my lap. I swear my dick and balls shove up inside me, trying to run away from this psychotic woman.

“Sara, get the fuck off me. There is no you and me. There is no relationship. You cheated on me with god knows how many guys. I probably would have caught something if I had slept with you, condom or not. Thank god it never went that far,” I scoff.

“I only slept with two guys while we were together and it's because I couldn't get you to have sex with me. I'm sorry, I know it was a mistake, and I know I broke your heart.”

I laugh right in her face at that. She rears back from me, confused.

“Bitch, you didn't break my heart. You hurt my pride a bit, but I promise Farlee rubbed it and made it all fucking better. You give yourself too much credit. I wasn't in love with you. I thought you actually cared about me, and that was exciting, new, and I finally felt like I could be something. Then I found Farlee. My whole world lit up. She made sure I knew I was going to be someone. That my heart was safe with her. She is my everything. The only thing that could break my heart is for my girl, my love, myonlylove to give up on me, and if you know Farlee at all, you know that ain't a possibility,” I tell her, smirking when I see the anger overtake her face.

“See, he’s a fucking dick. You don't need this fucker,” Louis starts, but Sara cuts her eyes to him, and he shuts up automatically. She turns back to me, and the calculating look in her eyes makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. What the fuck does this cunt have planned, and how the hell can I get out of this? It also has me questioning how they got me here in the first place.

“How did you send me a text from Farlees' phone?” I ask, curious.

“That bitch sits in front of me in Ag. She doesn't hide her passcode, and her phone is always in her bag on the back of her seat. It was easy as fuck to steal it, send the message, then put it back before she even noticed,” Sara gloats.

“Why the fuck are you doing this? Why go through this trouble? Why can't you let me be happy?” I seethe.

“You should have just come back to me. I'm more in every single way than that nasty ass farm girl, but no. You had to pick her over me. Why? It makes no fucking sense. I could have given you everything, but don't worry. I'm not just going to break your heart this time. I'm going to make sure hers is obliterated,'' she tells me, and just as I open my mouth to speak, she slams her mouth on mine and sticks her tongue down my throat. I gag before biting down, hard.

“Ouch fuck. You just bit me,” she screeches, pulling back from me.

“Only my girl gets to kiss me, bitch. Keep your fucking hands and your nasty ass cock sucker off me,” I seethe, spitting on the floor for good measure.

The bit of satisfaction I got from hurting Sara is short-lived when she smiles and turns her phone toward me. Oh no. She got a picture of the kiss, and from the angle, it looks like it's a heated one full of passion.

“Let’s see how smug you are once I send this to your girl,” she tells me, turning the phone back to her and typing out a message.

“NO!” I scream, not wanting Farlee to see that shit. It will rip her to shreds… but it's too late. From the look in both these fucker's eyes, the damage is done, the picture is sent, and my life, my love, my future… it's all gone.
