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“Dance,” she said, like she was a faerie casting a glamour, a command that must be followed.

Juliana glanced at Hawthorn, but he was already waving his arm dismissively. She leapt from his side, linking her arm into her friend’s, and allowed her to pull her into the throngs of dancers.

The musicians played, their tunes piping hot, gallops and hops, not a sad note amongst them. Juliana flung herself into the revelry, moving from dancer to dancer.

For one fleeting moment, she was one of them. Careless. Free.

For one moment, she belonged.

But she was no faerie. She wasn’t even a carefree mortal. She was a creature of shadows and worries not easily discarded.

I wish I could sleep through tomorrow,she thought.I wish I could awaken when it was all over.

But she would be there to the end, protecting Hawthorn, protecting the mortals left behind. Waiting for Serena’s return.

Lungs bursting, she collapsed with Aoife on a pile of cushions by the side of the room, laughing to dispel the cloud of dark thoughts brewing inside.

“That was fun,” Aoife panted.

“Worth leaving your library for?”

“Yes. Every once in a while, it’s good to dance.”

Juliana nodded, agreeing, but suddenly finding it difficult to speak. Aoife would be here tomorrow. There was no need for a goodbye, and yet…

“Juliana?” Aoife prompted, voice turning serious.


“Wecanlie. It doesn’t mean we have to.”

“What does that mean?”

“Ask yourself what you’re most afraid of. Then ask yourself why.”

I am afraid that too many people I care about are remaining, and that I cannot protect them all. I’m afraid of what tomorrow will bring, how different things will be after then. I’m afraid of people knowing I’m afraid.

I’m afraid I’m not good enough, not as a guard, and not as a—

Her eyes fell towards Hawthorn.Not as a whatever we are to each other.

More than prince and guard, that was for sure.

Didn’t matter. Couldn’t happen. Wasn’t worth thinking about.

Didn’t dislodge the thought, though.

Dillon appeared in front of the two of them as the music slowed to something softer. He held out his hand to Juliana, which she took eagerly.

She needed the distraction.

He pulled her into his warm, broad arms, as Alia began to sing a song.

“A maiden fell to Faerie, and for Faerie she did fall

A maiden came to Faerie, answering its call.

Lulled by music sweet and fine
